Chapter 1: dragon girls

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After the water hit Ben he felt like he was picked up by something. He looked under him to see that it was the water itself, and on his head seemed to be some sort of tiny creature. The water had carried him to the shore, awaiting there was a girl wearing a dress with various shades of blue holding a trident like spear and she had a pair of some type of wings and a tail.

"Uh hi" he greeted, "hello" she said in a slightly sheepish voice. The little thing on his head made a small noise, Ben picked it up off his head and saw that it was a tiny person, tiny girl to be precise. "Well, not the strangest thing I've seen" he said when the dragon girl appeared next to him.

"But it's on the list, way bottom of it", "interesting" the girl said after he put the little person down

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"But it's on the list, way bottom of it", "interesting" the girl said after he put the little person down. "Are" the dragon girl said as she poked the tiny Girl's stomach which had been inflated with water. "You" she poked again and with each poke water sprayed out of her mouth. "Dead?" She asked, the tiny humanoid groaned then opened her eyes slightly.

"I have an idea" Ben said growing some of Shocksquatch's metal studs on him then rubbed his hands together fast. "Shock and Awe eh" he said as he gave the little girl a tiny zap, she shot up very excited for some reason.

"YAY!!!!!" She squeaked flying around, "huh oh I've found you!!" The girl then hugged The blue dragon girl's nose, now without the wings and tail, then flew to Ben and jumped on his face.

"Hey hold it" he said pulling her off, "mind explaining what's going on?" He asked. She then blinked then freed herself from his grip "oh of course, hello my name is Syrup, and I'm a fairy" she said.

"Mine is Leviathan" the blue hair said, "weird one of my old transformations was named Leviathan, anyway my names Ben" the alien teen said. "Good to meet you both" Syrup said, then they heard annoyed grunts coming from the forest. "Sounds like someone's either in trouble or something else". Ben said as they rushed over.

A few feet into the greenery and Leviathan got hit in the head by something. "Ow" she groaned, "hey Leviathan, you okay?" Ben asked concerned. Then the same thing got him in the head "OW!!! Okay what is that!?" He yelled.

The culprit had been a mechanical bug like creature that bore a resemblance to a beetle. "There it is!!!" A voice said, "not getting away this time!" Another rang. Two girls had arrived, one was short and wore red and the other was tall tan and had blonde tomboyish hair and a bandage over her nose.

"Get Away You Meanie" Leviathan yelled swinging her trident spear around. She hit the bug and it got sent to the little girl in red, "Fire ball!" She yelled then a ball of fire formed in her hand and shot itself towards the bug.

This had sent it to the tan blonde, "here I come!!!" She hit it with her battle ax and it flew towards Ben. "This ones mine" he said turning his arm into Rath's "APPOLPLEXIAN OVER TOSS!!!!" He hit the big straight in the bag and stabbed it with his knuckle claw. The bug then turned into a pile of purple dust, "what the?" Ben said confused.

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