Chapter 4: beach Va-K

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Currently Ben is inside Bahumut's house yet again, this time for a specific reason her father told him. It's been three weeks since the mine incident and since then Ben has come over along with Leviathan and Jörmungundr to train them.

If you haven't forgotten last chapter Skurd had returned along with two new slimebiotes named Streaks and Splotch. Since those three have Ben's powers now, or rather low grade versions of them, Bahumut's father had requested him to train them. They had been excellent with certain abilities like Leviathan with Water Hazard's and Bahumut with Heat Blast.

Jörmungundr's peak was with aliens like Four arms, Armadrillo, Humungosaur, and Rath. However any one could see where their weaknesses lie. For some reason they were reluctant to use any other alien powers, an example being last week Bahumut refused to use Goop's powers when Ben instructed her to.

They found their strength in their elemental affinities, because Bahumut's element is fire, Leviathan is water, and Jörmungundr was most likely earth. But she kept a more firm grip on strength based aliens, they were too attached.

And if Ben had learned anything it's to never rely on one alien alone, easily remembered from when he lost Feedback. But this was not the reason he was here, as it turned out the little fire cracker in question was about to leave on vacation. Said heiress's father had instructed Ben to be her body guard to make sure she was safe.

And also to get some tutoring done as well, hopefully to help her use other powers. "So protect Bahumut at all times, sounds easy but guessing it's gonna be hard so I'm preparing for anything" Ben said.

"Thanks, and don't be afraid of taking time off every now and again" the mayor said. "That's gonna be hard" Ben replied, just then they heard the little girl in question squealing in excitement. "Okay I'm ready!!!" She cried looking very enthusiastic, "as am I madame, indeed this trip will be ever so invigorating" Splotch said.

"Got that right Splotch" Bahumut said, "you to are getting along, just three weeks ago you wanted him off" Ben commented. She shrugged "well that was before I knew how useful he is, and not just with fighting or daily stuff. Splotch is handy" she said.

"Why thank you lady Bahumut, now is this where you greet your father goodbye?" The Slimebiote asked. "Oh yeah, bye daddy!" She said hugging him, "okay princess see you in a few days" he said.

Ben then fallowed the girl out, and as to what fallowed the both of them was Jôrmungundr carrying a large trunk. The little fire starter had hired the girl with Amazon muscle to be her porter, Ben volunteered but Jörmungundr said it was fine.

"Seriously Jörm, how is it your so strong? You could kick Princess Looma of the Red Wind house's butt" Ben commented. If anyone hasn't forgotten Omniverse, Looma is a tetramand like Four Arms and Manny.

And Kevin managed to trick Ben into winning her hand in combat, fortunately Julie managed to end the engagement. Even though she broke up with Ben, and he some how managed to evade Looma after the whole game show fiasco.

"Huh Looma, you mean that Four arms Kevin tricked you into marrying?" Jörm asked. "I still can't believe girl four arms marry those who beat them. What kinda of marriage is that? Is there even any love?" Bahumut asked.

"It's only speculation, but I think the reason female Tetramands marry whoever beats them in a fight is because some how, fighting with all a males got shows how much they want o marry them. How much they love them, a theory but it's possible" Ben explained. Bahumut had actually blushed from hearing that, 'fighting shows how much you love a girl in tetramand culture!?' She thought.

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