Chapter 3: Village of Dads

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A few days after the whole Yurlungur incident, Ben and the town's mayor had talked. And he was given a house, other than for saving Bahumut, he was also rewarded for helping out the dragon.

Though Ben initially refused the mayor wouldn't have it, so in defeat Ben accepted the offer. Currently the aforementioned hero is flying through the air.

"Okay lets see" he said taking out a list, he had a schedule for his duties as the town's protector. Number one on the agenda was to survey the area around Haruna for anymore Trips. The beetle creatures from before.

Speaking of the battle within the dragon's belly, Ben had ran a system's check of the Omnitrix. As it turns out when Leviathan transformed into her enhanced form, the Omnitrix had also done something.

And when Ben observed the change the Omnitrix analyzed the entire process. Apparently the device had scanned Leviathan's transformation and recognized it as a very useful ability. So it made a new program that can allow Ben to copy abilities that are able to enhance one's already present abilities.

Such as the female mage's winged forms of this world to enhance their abilities to the maximum level. And considering this world's history, Ben had been the only man who was able to have a winged form like the women.

When he was told that... well little to say he was a bit flustered. Because he can do something only a women from this world can do he was technically considered a girl. Not that it bothered him that much, he had experienced something similar... but.

Well let's not talk about it, any way, he was about to finish his rounds around the forests. "Okay looks like the place is clear for now" Ben said as he flew down to find a place to land.

"Now what to do, my schedule is free until this noon when I have to do another sweep of the area. And I don't have that meeting to attend until Monday and Wednesday". As it turns out that was a self made schedule Ben has. The mayor only told him to survey the area, but also to help in any way he can around town.

And the meetings were to discuss about the trips infestation in regard to Ben after helping out Yurlungur. "What should I... oh hey wait isn't that Jörmungundr down there?" Ben asked himself. Looking down he saw a little village, and next to one house he saw his friend Jörmungundr.

"Hey maybe she needs help with something" he said as he flew down to ground level. "Hey Jörmungundr" he called out, she turned around to spot him flying.

"Hey Ben, funny seeing you here" she said as he landed, "hey I just finished my sweep of the area, now I'm just looking for something to do in between until my second sweep" he replied.

"Okay, want to help me out with making breakfast?" Jörmungundr asked, "sure, what'd you need help with?" Ben asked.

Just then the two heard three voices screaming Jörmungundr's name. Or the first part of it "Jörm!" They yelled, Ben looked to the source to see three little girls. All of which had tanned skin like Jörmungundr's.

 All of which had tanned skin like Jörmungundr's

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