Chapter 2: guardian

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Currently Ben is walking down the streets of Haruna, after promptly fixing the damage to Sedo's Inn. Which was under ten minutes, gotta love Clockwork's chronokinesis. He went to find the town resident sorcerer, who was also the leader in town.

After flying to a large manor Ben had knocked on the door then two maids came out. They both had dog like ears on their heads, "uh hi, mind if I see the man of the house?" He asked. He had to admit the maid get up was rather attractive but decided to keep his mind out of the gutter.

Then tall man with black hair and short beard walked out "ah you must be Ben Tennyson right? I'm pleased to meet a strong warrior such as yourself" he said. "You must be the sorcerer I need to speak with aren't you pleased to meet you" Ben said shaking his hand.

 "You must be the sorcerer I need to speak with aren't you pleased to meet you" Ben said shaking his hand

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Now they were walking through a garden with an elder man and two soldier girls. He had asked Ben to help with protecting Haruna if something major attacks. Of course the alien teen agreed so long as they forgive him for the mess at the Crooked Dragon's tail and keep the origin of his powers secret.

"Good to have you on our side" the sorcerer said then a little girl voice called him. Ben turned to the source o see Bahumut feeding Syrup countless amounts of cookies. "Oh you're Bahumut's father?" He asked the sorcerer, "yes... wait how do you know my daughter's name?" He asked Ben.

"Oh that mess at the inn, that was from trying to escape her and Jörmungundr when they were trying to get me to squeal about my powers" Ben explained. "Girls will be girls I guess" he added, "yes I suppose, anyway back into task..." his voice droned off.

Later on Ben is now walking to the newly repaired Crooked dragon's tail inn. "Welcome" the two waitresses greeted "hey Leviathan" Ben said waving. She wanted to make up for accidentally destroying the inn by working there even though Ben repaired it.

"Oh hello Ben, came to get something to eat" Leviathan asked, "yeah, still kinda hungry" he answered. He sat at the bar to talk with Sedo, that was until he heard a scream. When he turned he found that Leviathan had accidentally sprayed water in a woman's face with her magic when she was going to give a man a refill.

"Uh Leviathan, maybe you should have a little more practice with your powers" Ben advised, the dragon girl slumped over. "I know" she said, "maybe I can help" Ben said, then grew Gravattack's core and turned his brain into Brainstorm's. the combined powers allowed him to make a geyser burst from the barrel that had the water in it and easily refill the glasses that needed them.

Little to say everyone was impressed "amazing" Leviathan exclaimed. "It's nothing, just a little control over gravity along with some telekinesis" Ben said waving his hand. "Maybe you can show me a trick or two" she asked "well let's start with a basic in hydro kinetic power. Try making a water tendril rise out... slowly" Ben instructed, Leviathan did as told and a small stream of water rose from the barrel.

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