~One for the money , two for the show ,

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after our lunch Alex and I went to the mall. "do you think liam would like this? " I said holding up a pair of skinny jeans "Deff !" she said with a high voice "ooh how about this " she said holding up a shirt that said 'kiss me I'm Irish' I laughed "yes" we got a mirror for zayn . a carrot ring for Louis and a jacket from abercrombie once we got to the stage, it was backed. we went threw and finally made it we were had bags in our hand "GIFTSSS" Louis yelled running to us. we passed them out they all love it "thanks" they all said "BOYS LETS GO" a guy with a head set yelled . "bye Harry I'll be watching" I said he walked over and pecked my lips. "love you" he said I smiled and he was on stage , "iiiiii uh iiii wana save you " they started to sing Alex and I were dancing a singing along. "THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL" and the show ended I was litterally deaf. "you did good" I said to them "CARROTSSSS" Louis said walking over to the fan gift table . "Mirror! " zayn yelled "hey Louis can I have a carrot?" Alex asked oh boy "NO JIMMY PORTEST" he yelled good lord, "hey wana take a tour around?" Harry asked me, "yes" I said with a slight smile. we walked hand and hand "hey I have something for you ." he said i stopped in my tracks " what?" I said he reached into his pocket and pulled out a big box. he open it and it was a diamond necklace . and a matching ring "Harry . I . I . I love it" I said hugging him. he lifted me and kissed me our lips synced and moved at the same time . I loved him. even though we only were dating for a few weeks I felt I top of the world. he helped me with the necklace and I but the ring on my right ring finger we walked to find Alex and Niall eating there faces off . zayn looking at a mirror, and Liam and Louis fighting over something "WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled making niall and Alex jump "just kidding have fun " I said with a yawn. "let go home love." Harry said "good Idea"


soo how was it ? (:

oh btw. feel free to leave a comment & vote I would love it! & I would love it if you guys made a shout out for my story I'll return the favor! (:

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