The Journey

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It was night. Sim and I were put on watch. It had been a few days since we've first got here. Sim had seemed to be a little on edge lately. I didn't know why and didn't bother asking.

"Hey, Blake, grab your bookbag. I'm going to get a couple duffle bags from the house." Sim said.

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm going into the city. Gonna need someone I trust to cover me." He said.

"Why are we going into the city? What are we looking for?" I ask.

"Nothing specific. Just proving we can make it out there and getting supplies."

"I don't think that's a smart idea." I say.

"I'm going with or without you, Blake."

"Fine I'm in."

"Great." He said.

He came out of the house with two duffle bags. He said we need to head out now and to keep an ear out.

"Help me push the car. Can't have them waking up when I crank up the engine."

Sim drove the car three quarters up to the city, said Heart taught him to drive a few months back in case of emergency. We walked to a plaza we didn't mark as raided yet. We went to the pharmacy first and grabbed things like antibiotics and feminine hygiene products. Then Sim decided we could split up cover more ground. I went across the street while he stayed at the plaza.

Across the street was an old restaurant. The front doors were locked so I tried the back. I managed to pick the lock on the back door after a good ten minutes. The door opened straight to the kitchen. I started putting whatever food I thought looked okay enough to eat in my duffel bag. Then I heard a gun cock.

"Put your hands up." A man's voice said aggressively.

"Who's asking?" I said.

"Just put your hands up." Said another man.

I put my hands above my head.

"Good now turn around, slow." Said the first man.

I turn around slowly. The men both had their guns aimed at me. One a pistol, the other a Assault Rifle. They stood only a few feet from the door. In that moment I swallowed my pride. I was either gonna get raided of all my stuff and live or get shot, raided, and possibly die.

"You with anyone?" The second guy asked.

"No, it's just me." I say.

"How did such a young girl survive so long on here own?" Asked the second guys.

"I lost my sister a couple days ago." I said.

"Lay your weapons on the ground, all of them." Said the second guy.

"Don't you feel any shame. You're robbing a 14 year old."

"Just do as we say."

As I began to slowly remove my weapons from my pockets I saw Sim. He quietly put down his duffle and aimed each of his guns at their heads.

"I suggest you two drop your guns or I'll blow your heads of. Just slowly bend down and slid the guns over to the girl."

They do as he says and put there hands above their heads after. I start picking up my stuff.

"We're sorry man we'll leave. Just lets us go." the first man said.

"Don't think so." Sim said and pulled the triggers.

He quickly stepped over their body's and hugged me tight. I hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry. I should have never left you alone. I'm gonna stay right by your side from now on." He said

"I could have died." I said.

"I know. I'm sorry Blake. I wanted to surprise you."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I went into a clothing store and got jackets so we'd have them when fall came around in a month. I also got this."

He pulled a necklace out of his pocket. It was a beautiful sliver chained necklace with a gold heart hanging from it.

"I saw it and thought of you. Had to break glass to get to it, cut my hand." He said showing me the blood running down his palm.

I look into his eyes and say thank you and he smiles.

"I think we should start getting back." He said.

"Yeah." I replied.

"First let's see what these guys had on them."

He rummages through their pockets. Takes their guns and picks up their bag. We leave and start walking toward the car a couple miles out.

"We got a lot of stuff. They'll be so proud." He said.

"Yea." I said. "What made you wanna do this?"

"Oh, um, I just thought I'd be fun."

"Oh... Okay." I said.

We get to the car and put the stuff in the trunk. I was tired and fell asleep in the backseat while Sim drove back.


As I wake up I hear voices. I look out the window and it's sunrise. I hear Heart yelling.

"Where the fuck have you been, Sim!?" Heart said.

"We went on a run! You do it all the time with Lex!" Sim yelled.

"You could have been killed! You could have died!" Heart yelled.

"Sim, where's Blake?" Lex said worried.

"In the car. She's fine." Sim said.

Lex opened the car door and hugged me.

"I was so worried. I woke up and you weren't there." She said. She held me tight as Sim and Heart argued.

"I can't believe you put yourself in such danger and took Blake with you." Heart said.

"I guess it wouldn't be so dangerous if you took me on more runs. I need to learn how to protect myself and my people." Sim said aggressively.

"You can't just go out like that, without me, Sim."

"You never take me!"

"Because I'm not ready for you to die!"

Sim says nothing in response.

"Look, Sim, I just don't want you or Blake to get hurt. I don't want to have to see your end, but if your time comes before mine I wanna be there to say goodbye. You're my brother, okay. I love you."

Sim hugs Heart. We went inside for breakfast and Sim marked off where we went on the map.


Sim and I went up to our room after breakfast. We were exhausted. We layed down and as I was drifting to sleep, Sim stared talking to me.

"I'm such an idiot." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I put you in danger. You could of died. I'm sorry."

"You couldn't have known it would happen," I said rolling over to face him. "You were just trying to prove yourself to Heart."

"You've just gotten to mean so much to me... I don't want to lose you."

"Don't worry, you won't."



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