The Return

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It was getting dark when we finally got back to the house. I'm so hungry. Like really I haven't eaten all day.

"Oh my God, your back. We woke up and you were gone. Were did you go and w-who is this?" A girl, who I assumed was Alice, said.

Everyone was in the living room with expressions of relief.

"This is Blake. She's one of us now." Heart said.

"You brought a little girl here without consulting the rest of us!" Alice said.

"She lost her sister, she was unconscious. Did you really expect me to leave her out there to die?" Heart said calmly.

Alice screams at him and he returns the fire. It wasn't long before Lex and two others join in the argument.

"Her people could find us and kill us!" Alice yelled.

"She was alone and damn near close to dead when I found her! She said it was just her and her sister and I believe her." Heart said.

"I believe her too." Lex said joint the argument.

"We can't take this chance again." PJ said.

"Were not taking a chance!" Lex yelled.

"What about Marie, Lex!? What if it's Jack this time!?" Alice screamed.

Lex had a look of shock on her face which quickly turned into sadness.

A boy that doesn't seem much older than me sits on the steps, quietly following the conversation. He wears a flannel shirt and dark blue jeans. He studied my face like he knew what I was thinking.

The argument continued and I was trying so hard not to cry but tears ran down my face anyway. Then the boy step into the argument.

"Everyone stop! Can't you see your making her cry! She's just a girl she's not posing any kind of threat! Heart was right to bring her here. Now stop your arguing cause she's staying here... Weather you like it or not." The boy said then walked upstairs.

"Blake I'm so sorry." Heart said as he huged me.

"It's fine."

My stomach rumbles when he let's me go.

"Your ready to eat aren't ya. I'll make some dinner. You can get to know everyone." Heart says.

Alice and two guys go upstairs while the others stay and Heart and Lex go into the kitchen.

"So what are you guys called?" I asked.

"I'm Mark."

"And I'm Jackson, or Jack fer short."

"So um... whats that boys name, that stopped all the arguing?"

"Oh, that's Sim, Hearts little brother." Mark said.

"Ya know, it was really nice of him to stand up for ye like dat." Jack said.

"Yeah, it was."


During dinner, Alice just kept giving me this like 'I hate you' look. It made me a bit uncomfortable but I didn't care, I was to busy eating. Sim sat across from me and kept kicking my leg so I would kick him back, we were basically playing footsies.

"So, you're trying to find your sister. What happened to the rest of your family?" Sim asked.

"Ashton and I left on our own. We figured we would be better off alone. Its been a year now."

"You know that's just like me and Heart, we also left are family. Mum and Dad just couldn't protect us so we just went off on our own accord. Didn't want to see them die and didn't want them to witness our certain demise." Sim said.

"Do you think it was the right choice?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I do." Said Sim.


"Ok guys it's time to hit the hay. Blake there are no more rooms, would you be OK sleeping on the couch?" Heart asked.

Before I could answer Sim said, "She can sleep in my room with me. No worries."

"Ok it's settled then. I'm going to take first watch. You guys get your sleep. You'll need it for the morning, we're going to go on a run." Heart announced.


Sim and I got ready for bed and layed down. We talked before we went to sleep.

"So Sim, how old are you?"

"I'm fifteenth. What about you?"

"I'm thirteen, but I'll be fourteen soon. Do you have a favourite colour? Mine is blue."

"I've taken more of a liking to red. It reminds me of fire."

"Cool. Is there anything you can tell me about the group?"

"Well Alice is almost five months pregnant, PJ's the dad. Lex is a bit of a loner, but it looks like she's taken a liking to you. Jack is Lex's little brother. Chase and Mark are like best friends. Well me, you know Heart is my brother. I think that's it."

"Well that's nice. One last question."

"Hit me."

"Why did you stand up for me earlier?"

"Because, I didn't want them to send you out there on your own, and I guess I just wanted a friend. I know, cheesy right."

"Yes, very much so."

"Well let's get our rest. Got stuff to do tomorrow. Good night."


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