Lover Eternal.

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I am drunk off of your smell Peyton, i looked into her eyes. "Lucas.."
Shh. I've never wanted anyone more then i want you, right now, at this very moment. Peyton Sawyer, would you like to become Peyton Scott? Her eyes fluttered. "L-Lucas.."
This is all I've been wanting with you Peyton, i love you so much. "Lucas, i cant be with you."
Everything in that stupid moment just paused. What do you mean.
"Im pregnant." My eyes lit up. Oh my god Peyton, im so happy. C'mon, we can get married, move in together and have this baby. What do you say?! "And you're not the father."
In the blink of an eye, she gave me this look, of sympathy, slammed the door, and left. My life, my everything, Peyton Sawyer, well, was gone.
*10 months earlier*
"You said we were destined to be together! You said it to the world! You said it to me! And i wish you never did because you didnt mean any of it!" Peyton's eyes filled with fury. Peyton please dont do this, i replied. "Lucas, I'm done fighting with you. Goodbye." She slammed her phone on the ground. Stay, please.. "Peyton i need you. More than i need anyone else." She fell to the ground crying. "Everything is going to be okay.. leyton forever right..?!" I smiled. Peyton cracked a little hidden smile at the same time. "Everything is going to be okay, right..?" She whispered. "Right."
"Now would you get that look off your face like someone died !" I laughed. "Lucas, why do you always come back to me.. Im a bitch. A worthless bitch. Nothing great. Nothing you deserve." Peyton cried. "Baby, i stay with you, because with you.. I see something I've never seen with anyone else.."
"And what do you see Luke..?"
I wiped the tears off her face and replied, "A future."
I've never seen a smile so big on Peyton. And honestly, all i need to see is a smile on her face to be happy. "Lucas.. I love you so much you know that right?" She looked at me with those kind, green, blue, eyes. I gave her a smile "not as much as i love you Peyton!!" I tickled her and she laughed. "Your laugh is adorable" i took a breath. Everytime i stare into Peyton's eyes, i fall in love again, and again, and, again. I picked her up with a hug and we fell asleep together on her small bed. I could go to sleep with her every night. As i lay there with Peyton in my arms i just think, when i said we were destined to be together i meant it.. More than anything I've ever meant before. The blankets moved at the bottom of the bed. "Lucas.."
Hey baby. You're still awake? I smiled. "Yeah. I love you Luke." I love you beautiful, you know when i said we were destined to be together i meant it. I really did baby. I whispered. "Lucas you mean so much to me im sorry i flipped out, i love you" i tapped her nose as she closed her eyes and got closer to my chest. This night, really was just perfect. I thought to myself as i closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
--next morning--
I rubbed my eyes and forced them open to the feeling of empty space. I opened my eyes to notice Peyton gone from the bed. "Babe!" I yelled
"Bathroom!" Peyton yelled back.
I took a deep breath in relief to hearing her voice. She walked back in the room looking beautiful as ever, "well hello beautiful." I smirked
"You have tired eyes Lucas, you cant see" Peyton laughed . "Even if i couldnt see youd still be beautiful."
I smiled. "And when you can see?"
"Peyton youll still be beautiful" i blew a kiss.
"Love you loser" Peyton laughed, again.
I got up and got dressed.
Rushing a t shirt over my head, slipping up some old gray sweatpants, i got ready to go to the river court to play ball with my brother, Nathan. Peyton! I searched around the house to find my beautiful girlfriend. "Right here baby." Peyton placed her lips on mine wrapping her skinny cute arms around my neck, i pulled away after about 10 seconds. I'm gonna go to the river court with Nathan and shoot some hoops! I'll see you later. I informed Peyton placing a small kiss on her forehead. She smiled and i closed the door to our small apartment. About 15 minutes later i met up with my brother. "Well well, Lucas Scott." Nathan laughed. Hey man. We hugged. "Eh uh how's Peyton?" He asked. Shes great! We got into a little fight last night after she found out i kissed Haley at that club. "Yikes. Wait, you mean, my Haley?!"
I sighed and nodded.
"dude! Haley's my girlfriend!"
Look I'm sorry, it wont happen again. We were wasted.
"Happens again and you're dead. And i mean dead Lucas."
Yes Nathan, it wont happen again.
He threw the ball at my chest with a scowl. Speaking of Haley, Nathan, how is she? "Shes about to be in for an argument.." Nathan frowned.
No, Nate, it wasn't her fault. We went out as best friends last night just for a drink and we winded up drinking a little too much and just had a friendly kiss, it was nothing she did, as a matter of fact, it was nothing i did either. It just kinda happened you know?
"Yeah i guess i should just let it go. I trust you both. I'm sorry" Nathan replied throwing his ball into the basket. It's alright bro. My phone rang to the ringtone i had set for Peyton. Hold on man i gotta take this. "Yeah no problem."
Hey baby
Babe is everything okay?
"Hahaha hi baaabeee" i heard the sound of Peyton's best friend, Brooke Davis, well now Brooke Baker. But everyone calls her "B-Davis" laughing in the background.
What's going on you two?! I laughed while making a face at Nathan. He laughed.
"I want you home baby, i miss you" Peyton said in her drunk voice.
Oh god Peyton how many have you drank since i left?!
"Haha 69" she cracked up.
Ha ha very funny. I'll be home later babe i love you.
"Kay whatever babe, see you soon. I hope" i hung up.
"What was that?" Nathan asked.
Drunk Peyton and Brooke. I laughed taking the ball from Nathan.
"Oh god have fun with that!"
I will i will, i smirked shooting a basket.
"Hey Lucas, you ever plan on having kids with Peyton?.."
We've talked about it, but never actually gone through with it. What about you and Haley? I asked.
"Yeah speaking of it.. Haley's pregnant." Nathan smiled.
Really man?! Thats awesome. Congrats!
"Thanks! We are really excited !"
I would be too! Well, i am! You should head back over to Haley then. Ill head back to Peyton, and I'll give you a shout later on what do you say? I suggested.
"Yeah! See ya later!"
I started the engine in my car and made it back to me and Peyton's apartment. "BABE!" As soon as i opened the door Peyton jumped into my arms
Well hey baby, i kissed her lips.
I tasted pure alcohol in her mouth.
Babe how much did you drink jeez!
"Just a few."
"Lukie!!" Brooke yelled half stumbling over to hug me.
Hey Brooke, i laughed.
Damn, 10:30 am and you already had your saturday party eh?
"It's not a party until you're here Lucas" Peyton winked while starting to pull off my shirt.
No no. Peyton i think you need to lay down for a little bit, i began to laugh really hard. "C'mon Lucas dont play games, she just wants you." Brooke explained while taking another shot.
Same for you Brooke, lay down. You're all crazy.
"Babe just cuddle i missed you."
I was gone for 30 minutes. I smiled
"Thats a long time babe! Please" Peyton made cute puppy dog eyes pulling me down next to her.
"I guess I'll be going." Brooke said with an attitude.
"NOOOO!" Peyton yelled.
She pulled Brooke down on the other side of her and kissed her lips. I rolled my eyes with a funny smirk on my face while turning on the TV.
Peyton grabbed my hand and kissed me next.
"Hand me the remote, pretty boy." Brooke snatched the remote from my hand and put on some romantic comedy. Peyton rested her head on my shoulder while soon, falling asleep. Brooke as well, falling asleep on Peyton's shoulder. If i moved one inch, they would both fall. Well, i guess im stuck here for a while i thought, while laughing to myself.
"Lucas" Peyton mumbled
Hi beautiful, i smiled while pushing her gorgeous blonde hair behind her ears. "I really love you. Dont ever leave me."
You're silly to think ill ever leave you Peyton, you mean so much to me.
"Can you guys not be so fucking cute thanks" Brooke laughed half asleep.
I let out a laugh while putting my finger under Peyton's chin kissing her lips.
"I better get going.. Peyton text me later on yea?" Brooke said while slipping on her heels
"Yeah sure B-Davis, everything alright?"
"Yeah P-Sawyer." Brooke replied laughing
"Okay, see you soon "
I pulled Peyton's shoulder closer to my chest while kissing her, once again. "God Peyton look at yourself. Hung over, wasted still, and still so god damn beautiful."
"Lucas stop I'm blushing!" Peyton said while sliding up to smile at me.
I booped her nose while smiling back.
--Nathan's house--
Hey Hales, i smiled while walking in the door of my small flat with my beautiful girlfriend, Haley James.
"Hello boyfriend" Haley laughed.
I picked her up bridal style and brought her to our room . "I love you so much" Haley whispered while slamming her lips on mine.
I'll be right back future Mrs.Scott, i smirked. "Hurrryyy!" Haley whined.
I called up Lucas for some advice.
"Hello?" Lucas answered.
Hey man! I know i just saw you, i just need some advice.. I wanna.. I wanna umm.
"Wanna what Nate?"
I want to propose to Haley.
"Wow! That's huge. Got a ring?"
I've had one for almost a month. But now since i found out we're having a baby, i think now is the appropriate time. What do you say?
"Yes! Go for it! That's awesome."
Thanks! But how..
"Well you know the whole knee thing and then you say marry me duh"
I want it to be more special than that! I laughed
"Why do you love her Nate."
Well, I'm just so terribly in love with her, no explanation, i just am.. I really am..
"Haley, i am so terribly in love with you. No explanation why. I just am, i really am, will you marry me?.. See it's not as hard as it seems!" Lucas laughed.
God Luke you're a life saver, thank you so much. I'll let you know how it goes! Thanks!
"Anytime man, good luck!"
Thanks so much.
I walked back into the bedroom, Haley, babe, i have a question, i smiled.
"What is it baby?" She responded wrapping her arms around my neck.
I put my hand in my pocket pulling out the ring box.
Haley James, i love you so much. I am so terribly in love with you. So explanation. I just am.. Marry me?
"Oh my god! Nathan! Yes yes yes a thousand times yes!" Haley jumped up and down as i slid the ring onto her finger.
God i love you! I whispered to Haley while kissing her. I cant wait to marry you.
Haley smiled while picking up the phone to call Lucas.
I was gonna do that! I laughed while Haley dialed in his number.
"Hey Haley!"
"IM ENGAGED!" Haley screamed to Lucas.
"AHH thats great im so happy for you. Can I talk to Nathan?"
Hey man.
"You did it." Lucas said with pride.
I'm so happy i did.
"Im so proud of you. Told you it was easy!"
Shes so happy, so am i.. My hearts beating so fast.
"Well congrats you love birds! Ill talk to you later." Lucas laughed
Haha thank you, bye luke.
We hung up the phone.
"I love you so god damn much agh!" Haley smiled while kissing me, once again.
--Brooke's house--
Back from Peyton's babe! I yelled to my husband, Julian.
"Hi babe! Wow you look like you just got hit by a truck.."
Yea dont mention it. I groaned pulling off my heels
"Drinking? Julian asked.
Just a little you could say. I laughed
I wrapped my arms around Julian's back and layed my head on his chest.
"I missed you" Julian mumbled
I missed you too baby. I kissed his lips and pulled back quick while hearing the sound of my son, Davis crying. "Booboo!" I said in a baby voice while picking him up and kissing his forehead. Julian picked up our other son, Jude. While we both rocked our twin sons back and forth, Julian broke the silence.
"So exactly, how drunk are you?" He laughed.
Hungover. I laughed back.
"You were there for 30 minutes!"
I fell asleep! I laughed.
I layed my son back in his crib while walking to the kitchen to start cooking brunch. Me and Julian's favorite.
"So how was Peyton's beside the drinking ?" Julian asked.
We did nothing else. But, Haley and Nathan are engaged !
Yeah. Nathan texted me and told me before.
"Thats awesome." Julian yelled over the sound of banging pots and pans.
"Okay babe i have to head over to work, I'll miss you. Stay safe okay?"
Alright bye babe, i will. I replied kissing Julian.
I heard a thud come from my two sons room, i freaked out, thinking the worst. I rushed into their room, leaving my food sizzling on the stove. I noticed Jude's bottle laying on the ground under his crib. He began to cry. I sighed in relief seeing my two boys safe. I picked up his bottle and gave the two of them a kiss on the head.

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