Which Emo band member will you meet in real life? (And how?)

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Who will you meet and how will you meet them?

Aries: Josh Dun, he'll do a back flip off of a tall building and land right next to you

Taurus: Frank Iero, he'll be walking his millions of dogs in the park and one of them will piss on your shoe

Gemini: Patrick Stump, he'll be trying to reach the fedora on the top shelf and you'll help him get it down, most likely by lifting him up, then he'll say "Thanks *insert name here*!"

Cancer: Mikey Way, he'll be buying a Milky Way chocolate bar

Leo: Brendon Urie, he'll be buying 4 pints of milk at the grocery store, screw that, he'll be stealing 4 pints of milk and looking rather suspicious whilst doing so

Virgo: Gerard Way, most likely in Starbucks getting a coffee

Libra: Andy Hurley, most likely in a tattoo parlour and he'll be trying to talk you out of getting a tattoo that you will really regret but you're drunk so you get the name of your ex tattooed anyway

Scorpio: Ray Toro, in a salon and you'll both be having your hair done

Sagittarius: Ryan Ross, you'll ask him what the time is because you forgot your watch and he'll tell you it's 9 in the morning... Just kidding he'll tell you it's 9 in the afternoon!

Capricorn: Tyler Joseph, he will cycle past you on his high roller bike

Aquarius: Alex Gaskarth, he'll be in a beauty parlour having his eyebrows done

Pisces: Pete Wentz will LeBron you (if you don't know what that is Google it)

I'm reading this hilarious book called Lie To Me and omg I'm laughing way too much it actually hurts!

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