Chapter 1

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Two Years Earlier
June 2018

Looking in the mirror, Lucy stares at her herself in her beautiful wedding dress. She runs her fingers over the strapless sweetheart neckline. It is the perfect look for her classic white A-line silhouette dress with silver jewels at the bodice before it flows out to the floor. 

It's almost time to meet her dad at the doors to the sanctuary. Taking deep breaths, she slips her heels on, and exits the dressing room.

Turning the last corner, her dad is waiting by the double doors. He is smiling with a sparkle in his eye as she walks to him.  Her dad looks charming in his wedding attire. A worn black jacket over a white dress shirt tucked into black slacks. She noticed he was wearing his shiny black dance shoes. His tie, of course, was blue to match the something blue in Lucy's hair – a flower clip. 

"Are you ready?" Her dad says.

"The question is, are you ready Dad?" Lucy jokes.
"You're whole future awaits you at the end of the aisle. It won't always be glamorous but worth it."
"Dad, you're going to make me cry. I love you."
"I love you, too, sweetheart." Here comes the bride starts to play. Two people open the doors. Lucy sees David's face light up and his hands cover his mouth. Lucy looks at him as she remembers how he looked wearing button-up shirts and khakis the first year they were friends. Now, she admires the man he has become. Dashingly handsome with ruffled brown hair and sharp features, his baby blue eyes misting over with tears.

Lucy and her dad start walking down the aisle. One step at a time. Smiling at everyone as she makes her way to her soon to be husband. Right before she makes it to him, a single tear falls followed by a small gentle smile. 

"Do you give this woman away to this man." The pastors say to Mr. B as he stands in the middle of Lucy and David.

"Yes, I do." He gives Lucy a hug and David one, too. Placing their hands in each other, he goes and sits with his wife.
Lucy and David face each other with tears shining on their faces.
"I was told that these two have prepared vows." Lucy shakes her head. Her Maid of Honor, Jenny, hands a slip of folded paper to her. David's Best Man, Aaron, hands him a slip of folded paper. 

After unfolding their papers, David whispers, "You go first, Luc."
Shaking her hand in agreement, "David, my love. You have been my whole world. I remember seeing you Freshman year in High school on your first day. I told Jenny, that guy is cute." She smiles. "We had English together and I got to know you. I fell hard. Who knew you were falling for me, too. I can't wait for many more years of love with you." Folding the paper in half, she looks up at David.
"Lucy, my everything. These years with you have been a blast. Never a dull moment because you keep the days fun. You have been there for me since my first day in a new town and I am grateful to have found you."
They each hand their papers back, "If anyone wishes these two not to be together, say something or forever hold your peace," the pastor says. "David, you take Lucy to be your wife. Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish her in sickness and health, in adversity and prosperity, and to be true and loyal to her so as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." He places the ring on her finger.
"Lucy, you take David to be your husband. Do you promise to love, honor, and cherish him in sickness and health, in adversity and prosperity, and to be true and loyal to him so as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." She places the ring on his finger as her hands shake.
"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the Bride." David gratefully dips her, like they are on a date, brings her back up, and kisses her.
"Mr. and Mrs. David Lee."
They hold hands and walk down the aisle.
Finally, we are married, Lucy says to herself as they beam with happiness.
* * *
The reception feels like a dream, one that Lucy had only made up in her head. It was all coming to life in front of her.
Once everyone is seated, Jenny taps a spoon against her wine glass. Clears her throat, "I have something to share. A speech to my best friends, David and Lucy." She picks up a piece of paper from the table and begins to speak, " First, I'll start with Lucy. She is one of my longest best friends and I am so thankful for her. Years before we first met David, we were thick as thieves. None of that changed when the two became four. The guys added to our craziness and laughter. They made us smile brighter. Today, two of the four committed to each other and became one. I am in awe. Filled with so much joy and happiness because of the love that radiates from both of you. I wish you both love and happiness. I hope David remains his funny self and plays car games with Lucy like they are a couple of graduates. Remain lovebirds forever. I love you both."
She raises her glass, "To David and Lucy, may you have a  long and loving marriage." 

"Ok. Ok. It is my turn to talk to my number one buddy, David, well even though I knew Lucy first." Aaron says as he moves his hands around. "I've known Lucy since Kindergarten, it was always us and Jenny. The three best friends. In ninth grade, I happened to be the one to show David around on his first day. Of course, not the same time as Lucy and Jenny first saw him, but earlier that day. David was pretty cool. Still, he was super smart." David gives Aaron a look. "Dude, you were. Yet, immediately got Lucy's attention. I heard all about it that day after school, our usual hangout time. Lucy told me I should invite you to hang out with us and that is when we all became friends. David, buddy, thanks for moving to our small town. It'd be a little less exciting without you! To a happy and long marriage!" 

Everyone claps and the guys fist bump.
* * *
The music began to play as Lucy and David walked to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife.
It feels just like prom. The perfect dress and the best date around. How'd I get so lucky? Lucy thinks as she holds David close. Slow dancing to their favorite song, Fireflies.
"I love you." He whispers in her ear. "Here's to the next chapter of our lives."
"I love you, too." She whispers back. "With you, I know it will be the best chapter yet."

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