Chapter 8

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Happy New Year from the Lee's

January 1, 2019

Lucy is up around 10 a.m., starting her New Year's resolution to start the year off before noon, rather than waking up at noon like last year. She is dusting the table surfaces and lampshades in the living room when David walks in yawning.

"What-t-t are you doing, Sweetie, it is 10 in the morning on a holiday?" He says as he stifles another yawn.

"Getting a head start on my New Year's Resolutions, which are: Not sleeping in until Noon on January 1st, not leaving the cleaning to the last minute, to be thankful more than on holidays and special occasions, read more, write more, start my own blog called Lovely Lucy where I write poetry and short stories about anything and everything in-between. Just easy things..." She giggles.

"Yes, dear, those are very easy and specific. But, I like them."

"Do you have any?"

"Nope. I just want to keep going with the flow and be happy. Not really a resolution more like a continuation of 2018."

"I like it, honey."


Later that day, Lucy opens her laptop and gets on WordPress to start her blog. She picks STORIES as the topic and AFFINITY as the theme. Finally, she moves onto her site's name. Lucy types in Lovely Lucy.

She is all set to begin crafting her first blog post for the world.


An hour later, her introduction post is basically perfect and posted on her Facebook page.

Poetry and Short Stories

Hello, I am Lucy Lee. I have a passion for writing. My New Year's Resolutions include this very task, starting a blog to share my poetry and short stories. I can't wait to get started.

Welcome to my site. I want to write about a variety of things, hoping someone out there enjoys them or even relates to them.

If you are an inspiring writer, this blog is for you. Leave me comments, I would love to chat with you.

Before logging off, Lucy starts her first poem on her blog. Typing the title, My Heart is His.


About another hour passes and Lucy presses publish on her poem. Sending it off to the cyber web. A heartfelt poem about her husband.

My Heart is His

His eyes – sparkle. His mouth – smiles.
His heart – beats only for me.
I love him dearly.
I see him daily.
A fairy tale that keeps going.
2010 – he caught my eye.
2017 – he saved my soul.
2018 – I stole his last name.
forever and ever mine.


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