Chapter 4

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Christmas Work Party

December 20, 2018

Only 3 weeks has passed since Lucy and Cindy met, and David is all about Lucy. He seems to have no desire for other women. He comes home earlier than before, hardly goes without a romantic gesture, and always keeps his eyes on her when they go out to eat or a casual Saturday to the park.

"Are you ready to go? The Christmas party starts in 40 minutes." David yells, from the front door, to Lucy, who is walking up the hallway to him.

"That just means we'll be 10 minutes early, babe. Relax." She says while placing her hand on his forearm.

"I can't relax. It's a work party."

"Full of your co-workers and their spouses or plus ones."

"People judge. They think if we are like that at the party then that is how we are at work."

"Okay, then just be yourself. David, you are so confident. You've got this. Let's just have fun."

"You always know what to say." He takes her hand and squeezes it tight. Grabbing his keys with his free hand and opening the door, they are off to the Christmas party at his office.


Parking in a spot right in front of the office, David lets out a big breath. He looks over at Lucy sitting in the passenger's seat looking beautiful and calm. Her red dress makes her figure stand out, her curls flow around her shoulders over the dress' straps, and her smile in the mirror as he watches her deep in thought is lovely. "Lucy, we are here."

"Oh!" She giggles. "I was deep in thought."

"What about? Another monster story."

"Oh no, this time it is about two lovers that go way back, but something maybe preventing that."

"Sounds scandalous."

"Yes, it is indeed. The something in-between them could be several things. An addiction, a person, or bad blood started boiling out of nowhere. The story lines are endless." Lucy says smiling, her eyes sparking with excitement.

"So, I take it, you'll be writing tonight when we get home."

"Of course. That's my job. Yours is being an editor and I am a writer. The perfect pair. Now, what are you scare of? It is not like every spouse or plus one in there is a writer, so you may never do business with them. Just have fun. Clear all the stress. Just because the Christmas Party is at the office does not mean that stress has to be involved!"

Unbuckling their seat beats David and Lucy step out of the car and walk to the door. He opens the door for Lucy and follows her in.


The office is fairly large, the cubicles have been moved to make the main space an open floor plan. They are replaced with many fold up tables with red table clothes and ornament center pieces with glitter spread out.

"David! Lucy! Over here!" Says a familiar woman's voice. David and Lucy turn their heads in the direction of the voice and spot Cindy waving them over to a table next to the Christmas Tree.

"Breathe, David. You've got this." Lucy grabs his hand and gives it a small squeeze.

"Thanks, babe."

Coming up to the table, Lucy and David sit in the two empty chairs beside Cindy. She is sitting beside her husband Tom, and co-worker Sam and his wife Jessica.

"Good evening everyone! Merry Early Christmas!" Lucy says to the group.

"Merry Early Christmas to both of you." The group says in unison without meaning to.

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