Chapter 2

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First Year of Marriage

A few weeks after their lovely June wedding, Lucy and David are settling in to their new home. It is a small two-story structure with white panels and a green door. The lawn was cut just a week before they arrived so the yard looks beautiful. A small sidewalk leads to the brick steps onto the front porch.

This is perfect, Lucy thinks to herself as David hands her the last couple of boxes. Yesterday, they had Jenny and Aaron helping them put all the big furniture in amongst other things. But today was the final touches.
July is here and for once it isn't terribly hot. After putting up the final touches to make this home theirs. They sit outside on the porch.

Lucy scrolls through her Spotify playlist on her Android to find her throwback songs playlist. Finally her finger lands on it, clicks play and immediately their wedding song starts playing.
You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
'Cause they fill the open air...

"You will never forget the lyrics to that song, will you?" David says while he smiles at her.

"Forever. It will always be our song. I love throwback songs that still mean something." Lucy lays her head back and hums.

* * *
A few months later things are going okay, but Lucy feels something in the pit of her stomach. She brushes the bad vibes away and goes to see what David is grilling for supper.

"Hamburgers or hot dogs, babe?"

"Hamburgers! They're almost done and my stomach is growling."

"Okay, I'll go get the fixings out."

David is busy finishing up the burgers and putting them on a plate to carry them back in. His phone rings.

"Lucy, can you get my phone? It is by the door."

"Yeah, of course." She walks to the back door and grabs David's phone. It is lit up with two text messages from a contact labeled, Cindy (Work).

"Babe, it is Cindy from work. She needs you to call her when you get a chance."

"Tell her I will after I finish eating supper." He says, as he puts the last patty on the plate, turning off the grill and closing the lid.

Lucy clicks the message and replies with, After supper I'll call.

Even with the bad feeling in her stomach coming back, she put his phone back on the table without a second thought.

By the time December rolled around Lucy noticed more and more "work" texts were coming from Cindy. Lucy told herself that it was legit work talk, but she read so many things about failed marriages that she felt paranoid.  She loves David so much. He is a total catch. She finds herself thinking, Any woman would be lucky to have him. What if there is another woman. No no. I'm just looking for all the negative. Focus on the positive.

The click of the front door closing gets Lucy to stop worrying. David walks around the corner and sits down beside her. She kisses him like it has been more than 3 days since she has seen him.

Coming up for air, "Babe, it was only a 3-day work trip. We talked every day." He kisses her hard.

"It was so lonely here. I missed your touch, kisses, and presence. Every sound was amplified while you were away."

"I missed you, too, babe. No monsters bothered you while I was gone? Just noises?" He asked as he kissed her neck.

"No. Just a loud noise every now and then. I could have fought the monsters, you would have been impressed." She says giggling.

"You are so funny when you are writing out scenarios in your head."

"It is fun to dream."

"You're my dream." He says as he picks her up and carries her to their bedroom.

Stepping over the threshold like they are newlyweds again, they make their big entrance.

He lays her on their kingsize bed and slowly kisses her. She starts to let loose and brush all the bad feelings away as she enjoys every kiss.

The next morning, she wakes up in her underwear and remembers the wonderful night with her love.

She rolls over to David's side, it is empty except for a handwritten note.

          I love you. I am so happy to be home. Rest up, I am taking you out to dinner tonight for our six month anniversary.
                      XOXO David

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