Chapter 6

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David's Family Christmas

December 25, 2018

Finally, they are home, Lucy and David lay down to take a short nap before his parents, sister and her family come over for small supper, hot chocolate, and gifts. "I am setting my phone alarm for three o'clock so we have enough time to wait up and for you to go pick up some chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A while I clean up around here." Lucy finishes saying right as she yawns.

"Yeah, I think we both need a good cat nap."

They snuggle in for a holiday nap. Lucy dreams of being in a world fun people she recognizes from her past. She is having a hard time moving around and using her arms to do thing that her dream people are asking her. Forget keeping up with them, her legs are wobbling underneath her. Soon those people are far away and she gives up trying, but then she hears her name. Or is it a ringing sound? Lucy isn't sure, she looks ahead of her and sees the group of people's lips parting like they are talking to each other. Were they talking to her or to each other? She tries to walk closer to hear what they are saying, but no luck. She is sure that she hears ringing in the distances. The ringing grows louder and louder as she searches for where it could be coming from.

Just like that the dream ends, she opens her eyes and the ringing is coming from her phone. She taps her phone screen hard to make the alarm noise stop. She turns her head to look at David, she thinks, how did he manage to sleep through that high-pitched sound? Continuing to look at him, she taps one finger to his shoulder, which makes David roll over on his side. Next, she shakes him very hard until he groans deeply signaling to her that he is awake.

"Honey, it is time to get ready to go get food for dinner."

"Lucy, sweetie, I am so tired."

"Honey, you can nap after you get back from town."

"Okay, I will get going. Where are the keys?"

"On the table by the front door." Lucy says to David while he slips his Chukka boots back on, runs his fingers through his messy jet-black hair, and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Seconds later, he is walking past Lucy to the front door. "You know what to get?"

"Yes, dear. A Chicken Nugget Tray with Chick-fil-A sauce."

"Yes!" She raises her hands!

"Sweetie, I'll be back in an hour tops. Have fun cleaning up."

"Be careful! Oh, and I will. Not much to clean up." She smiles as she sends him off.


David's Family Christmas Dinner

Grandparents: Ian Lee married Lillian Sheldon Lee – Annabelle Cassidy Lee married Elliot Lee – David Lee (23) married Lucy Berry Lee (23) David's Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins: Taylor Lee Smith married Frank Smith – Catharine Smith (18 [Freshman in College]).


At 5:45, David's parents park beside the SUV in the driveway, and his grandparents pull up and uncle's family follows them. The family is all here.

From the porch steps, Lucy is waving at them, "Do you need any help bringing in the gifts." In respond, each relative shakes their heads, no, as they unload gifts out of their cars.

Lucy continues to wait on the porch as David steps out the door to greet his family. "Good evening!" He says with a wave. One by one the family members come up the steps and in the front door with arms full of beautifully wrapped presents. By the looks of the gifts, you would think the family was huge, but they just love gift giving.

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