Chapter 7

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New Year's Planning and Stories
December 26-27, 2018

"Are we seriously preparing for a party the entire week?" David says to Lucy.

"Maybe. I at least need to get a head count so I can plan the food."

"Okay, well we know Jenny and Aaron will be here. Our families. Maybe some others? Do you want to invite anyone from college or high school for our first New Year's Party at our house?"

"No, I guess we will already have a full house with just the usual."

"So, the headcount is 24 guests plus us two. For a total of 26 people in this small house."

"I think we can do it. Think positive, babe!" She smiles at him.

"I will try to."


Monday preparation turned into Tuesday relaxation, David just wanted to be lazy and Lucy gave into her exhaustion from running around the house. She loves lying beside him on the couch, it feels like they are teenagers again and life is simple. Glancing at the Christmas tree, she smiles as she lays her head in David's lap. A peaceful day with only her husband and absolute best friend, he's my everything, she thinks.

She looks up at him, "Do you remember when we first met? That day in English class?"

"Yeah, babe. Of course, I do. It was my first day at River Fork High School, and Aaron showed me around the school – classrooms, library, restrooms, and lunchroom." Lucy looks at him like come on! "Oh, you meant when did just you and I meet. You are right we did have 7th period English together that day – the same day you saw me in the hall, Aaron thinks that is so funny, who knew we would be here today." He smiles down at his wife.

"I know. Keep going."

"Okay. In class, that day, the teacher, Mrs. Susan, told me to come to the front of the class. She said, 'Class we have a new student with us today from Nashville, Tennessee. Everyone give a warm welcome to David Lee.' The whole class said, 'Welcome to River Fork.' I love the next moment." A smile played across his lips.

"What?" Lucy says excitedly.

"I had picked this seat when I walked in but didn't really look around. When I came back to my seat, a girl to the right of my desk catches my eye. Her smile bright, eyes sparkling, and her brunette hair flowed around shoulders. When I sat down, she leaned over and whispered, 'I hope you like the school and the small-town life. If you need anything just ask.' I whispered back, 'I will, thanks. But, you didn't tell me your name.' The girl giggled and whispered, 'It's Lucy.' That is the first time we met."

"I love that story. You were smitten from the moment you first laid eyes on me."

"Getting to know you more was the best part, but yes you caught my eye that first day."

"After class, I hung out with Aaron and Jenny and we told him about seeing you before and in class. I told him about talking to you after you got introduced to the class. He immediately says to me and Jenny, 'Let's invite him to hang out. He already knows me and Lucy. So, it would be perfect, right gals?' And we were like, 'Yes, let's ask him tomorrow!' So, the next morning, Aaron asked you while I and Jenny waited for him at our lockers down the hall. We saw you nod your head and Aaron fist pumped you, 'See you later, dude.' That is how the fierce four began!" Lucy giggled at the memories of their spring semester Freshman year.

David moved to Athens, Alabama at the end of February 2011, and started River Fork High School on March 1st. By March 3rd, he gained three best friends, ones that would last forever – Aaron, Jenny, and Lucy. He always loves telling that story, and how Lucy can't stop smiling at him while he goes through his first day at school. Almost eight years strong, he thinks to himself.

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