"I'm Just b-broken."

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A/N: So I've changed my writing style and somehow it helped my writers block, but if you don't like it I'll consider changing it back.

Also do you prefer frequent shorter chapters or longer chapters and less updates?

A few weeks had passed and Lauren had comfortably settled into her routine of new classes, therapy sessions, physiotherapy sessions and hanging out with her new friends, Camila, Ally and....well, Dinah. It was hard for Lauren to warm towards Dinah because of her boisterous tendencies that were completely the opposite of what her other friends were like.

Ally was kind and gentle, in fact she never even attempted to touched Lauren or pry her way into her private life. Camila was, honestly, everything and Lauren couldn't have asked for a better friend, though that didn't mean she missed Normani any less. She missed her everyday, which was why she was more than surprised to see Normani dragging a suitcase through the second floor of her dorm.

For a minute Lauren thought she was imagining the older girl - it wouldn't be the first time - but when Lauren heard her familiar warm voice she one hundred per cent knew that it was her. Before Lauren could even register what she was doing, she was running as fast as her legs could carry her straight into Normani's arms who opened her arms up and catches her with ease.

"Hey lil' bear." Normani smiled, wrapping her arms around the smaller girl tightly and breathing in the familiar smell of the girl who was practically her sister.

"It's y-you?" Lauren questioned, lifting her head up to see her best friend's face, but not releasing her hold around Normani's waist.

"Yeah Lo, it's me." Normani reassured. The truth is Normani hadn't really planned on studying in Miami...Ever, but the desperate calls in the middle of the night, at four in the morning, three in the afternoon called for Normani to be at Lauren's side and protect her from anymore harm. So here was, in Miami, fresh of a flight and dripping in sweat from the god awful Miami heat.

"H-how? Why?" Lauren asked baffled.

"I missed you." Normani replied. It wasn't the exact truth, but it wasn't a lie either. Normani had missed Lauren. So much. "And I needed to make sure you were okay." Normani confessed, now acutely aware of the three onlookers staring confusedly at them.

"Are you okay?" Normani asked and Lauren nodded her head whilst nuzzling into her like a child, before shaking it and nodding it again.

"Alright lil' mama. Let's go unpack and then we'll talk?" The taller girl offered her friend, before whispering. "Um- Lauren what's with the spectators?"

"Oh!" That distracted Lauren and she pulled away quickly from Normani, but not in the fearful way that she did with most people, but in pure excitement at introducing her friends. "Mani, these are my new f-f-friends D-Dinah, Ally and C-Camila." Lauren stumbled out slowly, gesturing to each girl, who each offered a small smile. Except for the one Lauren identified as Dinah. She stepped forward and walked directly up to Normani with a smirk, completely unfazed by her, which already annoyed Normani, because she liked being able to intimidate people and protect Lauren. That was her primal instinct and this moment in time. Protect Lauren.

"So...You're the girl who threw more than a hundred death threats at me?" Dinah circled Normani smirking and Normani instantly caught a vibe from the girl, but she couldn't tell if it was good or bad.

"Sweetheart, they weren't threats." Normani smiled back falsely as well.

"Terrifying." Dinah rolled her eyes and mocked her in a shaky afraid voice, but Lauren didn't catch the undertones of this and became increasingly stressed at the interaction.

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