"I'd never hurt you."

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A/N: I think I'm addicted to writing this fic 😁😁 7380 words and I still have no idea what I'm writing about or where I'm going with this 😂 Enjoy.

The five girls had settled into a comfortable routine over the past week with Normani and Dinah bickering non-stop, Ally and Dinah joking around like usual, Camila and Lauren being- well, Camila and Lauren and Camila giving Normani the side eye twenty four seven for no apparent reason. It wasn't that Camila didn't like Normani, Normani was nice, but did she have to be so clingy with Lauren all the time? It frustrated Camila to no end.

They were all currently eating brunch at the Waffle House like they did every Sunday. Camila had tried to slid into the booth next to Lauren but Normani had dived in their first, leaving Camila on the edge sitting next to Normoany.

"So what are you getting?" Normani asked Lauren getting really close as Camila shot flares across the table unknowingly, making Dinah chuckle and nudge Ally in her side to get her to watch.

"I d-don't know, I'm n-not that h-hungry. D-Do you want to share one?" Lauren asked her best friend.

"Sure." Normani smiled happily closing her menu, unaware of the way Camila was basically shooting laser at her from her eyes, causing Ally to giggle.

"W-What's funny?" Lauren asked curiously, because quite often she'll be unaware of things going on or a joke someone just made. She could not focus on more than one thing at once, it was painful.

"Ca-" ally was cut off by Dinah kicking Ally from underneath the table, because if Dinah's suspicions were right about Camila's feelings towards Lauren she definitely did not need Ally exposing them. Camila had to figure this out for herself.  "Oh nothing, I just thought of something funny Troy told me earlier." Ally said with a wave of her hand.

"Oh okay." Lauren nodded, before turning back to Normani. "So which one would you L-like?" Lauren asked.

"Whichever Lolo." Camila practically growled at the use of the nickname and WHY WAS THIS GIRL SO DAMN CLOSE TO LAUREN?!!

"You alright, walz?" Dinah said, not being able to resist herself.

"Fine." Camila said through gritted teeth, not tearing her eyes away from the New Yorkers as the waiter appeared at her side.

"Can I take your orders please?"

"Yeah I'll have a banana split Waffle, please." Camila spoke to the guy who wasn't even looking at her, but rather the green eyed girl Camila was previously staring at.

You have got to be fucking kidding me?! Camila thought as the rage continued to pump through her body tenfold, it was one thing having Normani close to the girl, but this sleezeball Lauren had never met who was looking at her like a piece of meat was another thing.

Camila had to sit on her hands to stop them from wrapping around the boys throat.

"And you miss?" He asked Normani, looking at Lauren.

"No thanks." 

"Okay. What about you gorgeous?" He asked, making Lauren visibly uncomfortable.

"Um-A...um." Lauren stuttered sinking back in her chair as the boy with the greasy haired eyed her licking his lips.

"Speechless already? That usually only happens once we've made it to the bedroom."  The boy tried his luck.

"Hey?! You better watch your mouth." Normani spoke calmly, but the threat in her voice was evident.

"Chill babe, I'm not doing any harm." He spoke obnoxiously.

"I'll h-h-have...t-the...the...white c-chocolate s-s-supreme." Lauren stuttered nervously looking like she was near tears st not being able to get her words out quick enough. "Sorry." Lauren apologised for the stutters to the waiter.

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