No one ever said a Phoenix couldn't rise from the ashes.

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Once we got Lauren up to her room she just crawled up into her duvet and stayed there. Not saying a single word, it was almost as if she had gone mute.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Camila asked an intimidating Normani as they stood in the living room and out of ear shot of Lauren.

"Yeah I think so. Thanks Camila." Normani said sincerely, but the worry was evident in her glassy eyes.

"It was no problem. What are friends for right?" Camila asked flippantly, but her head kept flicking towards the door where Lauren was huddled in her somnolent state.

Camila really didn't want to leave Lauren in the withdrawn state she was in. Not a single smile gracing the girl's face. Every part of Camila was screaming her to go check on the girl just to make sure she was okay. People needed friends and people they could rely on during hard times and Lauren didn't seem to have much of that before Normani came. Sure, she spoke to Ally, Dinah and Camila, but she never really spoke much about her struggles or what had even happened to her and Camila didn't want to pry, so she didn't ask. Instead she googled ways to help Lauren cope physically. But she knew it wasn't enough, she had to be there for her new friend emotionally. "Do you mind if I go and talk to Lo?" Camila asked hesitantly.

"You can try. gentle." Normani sighed.

Camila nodded and made her way back into the room, but not before Normani called after her.

"Oh and Camila? Don't touch her." She spoke.

Camila paused for a second taking in her words, but not questioning them. Normani had know Lauren longer after all. "Okay." Camila agreed.

She entered the other room where they had left Lauren and sure enough she hadn't moved from her curled up ball under the blanket.

"Laur?" Camila spoke softly as to not make her jump, but it didn't work because she jumped anyway.

"Are you okay?" Camila asked, regretting the stupid question instantly because it was clear Lauren was anything but okay.

"F-fine." Lauren spoke shakily trying to put on a brave front in typical Lauren fashion.

" you wanna talk about it?" Camila tried, but Lauren just shook her head, causing Camila to sigh before moving to sit on the floor leaning with her back against the bedside table as she looked on up at the girl's green eyes peeking through the blankets.

"I'm sorry." Lauren mumbled because she was clearly annoying Camila.

"You have nothing be sorry for." Camila shook her head looking up at the big green eyes that were avoiding hers. Camila didn't like not being able to see what Lauren was feeling but she could take two guesses as to what.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You know that, right?" Camila asked calling out the cause of Lauren's discomfort and trying to lock eyes with the green eyed girl. "Lauren you have nothing to be embarrassed about." Camila spoke sternly, when Lauren wouldn't answer her question, giving a silent 'no'.

"Al-Alright." Lauren agreed, deciding to let her embarrassment go, just as her stomach growled.

"You didn't eat." Camila pointed out, letting the other subject go. For now. "How about we order a pizza and we can chill and watch funny movies? Or sad ones or even horror movies if you want?" Camila offered, desperate to get a smile back on her friend's face.

Hell, Camila thought she do anything to see the smile of the green eyed girl she had grown so accustom to over the past several weeks.

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