i didn't sleep at all last night. i've been running on about eight hours of sleep for roughly two days now. i laid in bed and saw a video titled something along the lines of "taking a break from youtube" i almost immediately cried.
that was the second youtuber that i loved taking "break" in the past month. i started to comment something while watching the video when it just hit me. i felt dizzy. i was uncontrollably shaking. my first instinct was to ask for someone to help get me food [foodie at heart :)]. i sat on the counter my whole entire body shaking and fuming. i was sweating and i couldn't move my legs. my feet/toes went purple. everything was slow motion as i ate some nuts, raisins, and cheese. i had someone fix me a quick freezer meal just to make sure i don't pass out. i've collapsed before and it's scary as hell. my face was a pale color when i came down and as i ate it turned to red due to the sweating and panting. my ears felt clogged. everything was muffled. i felt so dizzy and ill. i asked for water trying not to be needy because i didn't want to see annoying [even though i could've fainted and made things much worse].i drank the water. the big gulps felt incredible against my hot dry throat. my ears returned to their normal hearing state. i felt less dizzy. my eyes could focus and everything wasn't as blurry. i checked the time. our minutes had passed when it felt like hours. i'm was so happy it was over.