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(It's real this time)
Hey guys, Stephen here, but you already knew that...
Okay so, this chapter takes place after Chat fights The Nightmare. I haven't written the fight into this because I would like to keep the whole book in just one point of view. Now, I know that there will be some people who would like it if I wrote the fight (that was a poorly written sentence...), so I have decided that I will indeed! The book is called Chats fight, you can find it on my profile so if you would like to read it, that is where you can find it!
Thankyou and enjoy the chapter!


My head hurts quite a lot. It's quite unbearable actually. I don't know what happened, all I know is, Chat Noir is carrying me somewhere. I try to tell him that I'm awake, but when I try to move everything hurts.

He must have felt my attempt, because he looks down into my eyes. I try to smile up at him, but his face remains unchanged, instead he just looks back up and continues to walk. He seems to have a hint of anger in the way he holds me.

I feel something land on my collarbone, something small and light. I knew what it was straight away, or rather who it was. I make a new attempt to move and look to my little Kwami, but all I am met with is a stern, "Marinette, please don't try to move," from Chat.

"Is she alright Adrian?" Tikki asks, I can hear the fear in her voice. I feel Chat shrug and reply,

"I don't know Tikki, you guys took a nasty beating before I got there".

"I think we need to get her to a hospital".

He chuckles a bit, and much to my surprise, the slight shaking is actually rather soothing. "I know Tikki, that's the plan".

Once again the pain takes over and everything is lost around me.


My head still hurts, but this time I can actually move without massive amounts of pain coursing through my body. The room I'm in is small and rather dark. Last thing I remember is something about a hospital, so I assume that's where I am.

As I sit up on my bed, I can hear voices just outside my door, but as I turn to look, they continue past. I sigh and move off the bed, making my way over to the window. Pulling back the heavy curtains, sunlight floods the room. The light bounces around the room and within seconds I hit the floor in shear pain.

I reach out and try to pull the curtains closed again, but they're out of my reach. "That was stupid Marinette," a voice comes from just above me, I know it's owner without even looking up. Chat pulls them closed for me cutting off the sunlight.

Still afraid to open my eyes, he pulls me up and back over to my bed. "When did you get in here?" I try to open my eyes but, they still hurt from the when the sun punched me in the face a few moments ago.

"Slowly Mari, you haven't seen sunlight in days," Chat puts his hand on my face, or is it his paw? I'm not sure what to call it... "I've been standing in the corner for a few hours every day, hoping to catch you when you wake up".

Oh, why didn't I see him though.

"Because it was dark, and you weren't looking for me," I look up surprised that he knew what I was thinking, "You're just really easy to read".

I subconsciously reach up to itch my ear and in doing so notice something missing. "MY EARRINGS! WHERE ARE THEY!?" I look around the room, ignoring the pain that it causes to my head, but I'm stopped again by Chat.

"Don't worry, your miraculous is safe. I've got them back at my room. I didn't want anything to happen to them, so I took them out," he explains, "It was Tikki's idea actually," he shrugs slightly as he mutters the last sentence.

I nod, I know I should trust the doctors who have been looking after me, but keeping the miraculous safe is definitely priority.

After that the room fills with a silence, more unbearable then my headache and Chat obviously feels it too. "Umm... I'll go get the doctors then". And as the door closes the room is once again empty.


It was about two more days before the doctors would finally let me open the curtains again, and a further tree before they let me leave the medical centre. Chat informed me that he had been keeping the Akuma safe in his room along with the miraculous. That's where we're going now.

My body still hurts, but I'm able to function normally and hopefully after all of this is over the magic of the miraculous can heal my injuries. I mean it's helped out plenty of other people in the past, curing people of their injuries caused be akumas.

I look up to Chat who is helping me walk along. "So does everyone know the secret now?" I ask him a little worried about people knowing who I am now.

He chuckles a bit and tells me, "for now there are some people who do, but not many. I told the doctors I found you injured by the side of the road". Oh.

Finally reaching his quarters, I can see a jar with a little purple butterfly inside. Akumas really are beautiful... I just wish that Hawkmoth didn't use them for evil. We'll stop him one day.

Chat hands me two little red earring, each with five black spots dotted around them. My miraculous'. Without hesitation I put them back into my ears. "Ahh, it feels good to be back!" A squeaky voice that I missed so much fills the room.

"Welcome back Tiki," Chat says for me.

"Marinette!" Tiki squeals flying straight into my cheek, "I've been so worried about you!"

I place my hand over the top of her, holding her in an embrace like position, "I'm alright Tiki, I'm alright".

"Ahem," chat clears his throat, "Akuma".

I nod as he picks up the jar. "TIKI SPOTS ON!"

feeling the magic of the miraculous work it's way around my body feels amazing. I can feel it making me strong and I feel much better.

As Chat opens the jar the little butterfly inside try's to escape, "Oh no you don't!" I shout as I grab hold of my yo-yo. "It's time to de-evilise!"

I swing my yo-yo around capturing the Akuma and purifying it in the same instant. "Bye bye little butterfly," I say as the small - no longer evil - creature fly's around the room. I look over at cat and he gives me a nod.


Everything around us begins to change as Paris begins to repair all the damage that had happened to it over the past few weeks. The crumbled buildings now stand tall again, people who had been taken by The Nightmare returned to their previous positions in the street as though nothing had happened. The room Chat and I are standing in disappears as the scenery around us changes into the school grounds where we would inevitably be returning to.

"We did it," Chat says to me.

"No Chat, you did it".



Okay, so I realise that this is very very late. It was meant to be up about 2 moths ago. Now I know it's the worst chapter yet, and I know you want to read Chats fight. Well, I have an excuse.

11 years ago my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. 3 years passed and she beat it. 4 years ago my aunt was diagnosed with one of the dearest cancers that women can get, I don't remember what it's called but she was the only woman in Australia to have it. Last year she got the all clear.

A few weeks ago, on the same day, they were both told that it had returned. Now that the tests have been completed, my aunt probably won't survive this time, and my mother now has lung cancer (she's never smoked a day in her life). I'm so sorry that I haven't uploaded. It's been very hard, and I've put off uploading for a little while now.

All I ask is that you keep my family in your minds and prayers, and I'm sorry but there probably won't be another chapter for a little while.

Thank you all for reading, I'll see you guys next time!

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