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     Sherlock stood on the very edge of the rooftop, just the tips of his toes hanging off the edge. John was starting to get a hint of what was happening, tearing up as he watched his easily emotionless friend cry silently, stray tears just escaping his eyes.
"Goodbye John" Sherlock choked out, dropping his phone on the edge of he building. John's eyes widened as he stood, frozen, watching his friend put his arms all the way out to his sides and lean forward, just barely pushing off. He was flailing, eyes wide, kicking and waveing his arms, somehow staying almost flat. By the time sherlock had almost hit the ground, John had started to panick running towards his friend. He knew he wouldn't make it. John screamed over and over at the sight of the body, yelling 'no' over and over. Sherlock was dead.

"NO!" John screamed as he jolted up in bed, sweaty and wide eyed. It took a few moments for him to register that he was in the tower and that sherlock was alive.
"Oh thank god... just a dream.... it was just a dream.... a dream..." John mumbled, rocking slightly to sooth himself. He didn't think anyone could hear or see him. That was when sherlock came bursting in.
"John! Are you ok? Jarvis told me you woke up screaming." Sherlock questioned. For all the times he hid his emotions, he was one of the most careing people John knew once he got to know someone. He sat down beside John and hesitantly put a hand on his sholder. Sherlock was still rather uncomfortable with human contact. John had buried his face in his hands, running his hands through his hair before shoving everything away like a good soldier.
"Y-ya. I'm fine sherlock. Don't worry." John stuttered slightly. Sherlock rolled his eyes.
"Oh come on, don't even try to lie to me. I can read almost everybody like a book. What was that dream about?" Sherlock sighed, exasperated at first before trying out a shockingly soothing voice. John looked at the tall brunet, slumping in defeat.
"You. I saw you jump off that building again. I saw your dead body. I saw you die again. I suppose all this mess has brought back the memory with an extra kick." John chuckled humorlessly at the end, eyes downcast. He couldn't look sherlock in the eye. He expected the detective to just walk away, leave him be. But no. Sherlock supprized him by wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him closer, hugging him akwardly. John was tence at first, supprized, but he relaxed after a second and hugged back lightly.
"You worry to much, John. I suppose the blogger needs his detective as much as the detective needs his blogger." Sherlock chuckled, earning a small snort from John. "There we go! I may not use my emotions much, but I am positive that is good." Sherlock smiled.
"You, sherlock, are insane. And it's awsome." John laughed quietly.
"Good to know." Sherlock smirked. "Anyway, get some sleep. You need to be rested to deal with these nutcases and keep me in check. After all, I'd be lost without my blogger, right?" Sherlock chuckled, earning a smirk from John. Sherlock gave him one last pat on the sholder before getting up and walking out the door, closing it behind him.
"Thankyou, Sherlock." John whispered after him, smileing as he lay down to rest again. That man would be lost without him.

"Good morning, Mr Watson. Sleep well?" Natasha smiled when John walked into the kitchen that morning.
"Please, you can call me John. And I slept alright, thanks. How about you?" He smiled, sitting down across from her, glancing at the coffee machine.
"As good as ever. And for God's sake just take some coffee. Your going to be here a wile, you might as well make yourself at home." Natasha smirked, haveing caught the glance for coffee.
"Oh! Um... Thankyou. Sorry, just used to trying to be polite." John chuckled nervously.
"Good to know there are gental men out there other than Steve." Natasha chuckled.
"Morning John, Mrs Romandof." Sherlock yawned, nodding to the assassin.
"Ok, right now. I'm going to say this. Just call everyone here by their first names. If we are going to live together we might as well be on a first name basis." Natasha groaned with a laugh.
"Thankyou! Gotta love someone who gets straight to the point. I'm assuming because John is getting his own coffee that it's open for use, so if nobody minds I'm going to get a cup myself." Sherlock smiled. Natasha laughed.
"Help yourself." She smiled.
"Oh my god! More morning people!? Jesus christ! I already have to deal with Steve and Natasha, but you to?" Tony groaned as he dragged himself to the kitchen.
"Sorry, but we are still on British time at the moment. Give it a few days, well be sleeping in till noon in no time." John laughed.
"Good to know..." Tony grumbled, shoving his way to the coffee machine only to find the glass coffee pot was missing. "What the..." He trailed off hearing whistling on the other side of the kitchen. Sherlock was pouring himself a cup from the other side, holding the pot in his hand, his cup in the other.
"You realy should be more observant, Tony." Sherlock smirked, handing him the pot.
"Tony already? That was fast. And I useualy don't notice the walls until they are connecting with my face in the morning, so, fair warning, never deprive me of my morning coffee." Tony growled.
"The first names are Natasha's orders. Figured arguing with one of the world's best assassin's would be far from smart." Sherlock smiled uninthuseasticly. Tony just tipped his cup to him.
"Smart move. She has imprinted Clint's face with her hand for a week before for makeing the wrong tease." Tony nodded, earning an unnoticed glare from Natasha.
"Ooh, I wish I could have seen that." Sherlock smiled.
"It was awsome. Should'a been there." Tony smiled back. John had been leaning back simply watching the conversation when Steve, Clint, Thor, and Bruce walked into the room. Thor and Steve looked like they had just been to the gym and Bruce and Clint had bed head to put a smile on anyone's face.
"How was the sparing match?" Sherlock asked, not even looking up from his coffee.
"How did you? Ya know what, whatever. It was great." Steve stated, not wanting an explanation.
"Good. Late experiment Bruce?" Sherlock asked.
"Yup... didn't get to bed until three." He chuckled.
"Wonderful. What was it on?" Sherlock asked, interested.
"I was watching the effect from splicing my DNA with a regenerating star fish. Let's just say that fish Hulk is not an ok thing to make." Bruce chuckled. Sherlock smirks.
"You must include me in an experiment some time, I have had my fair share myself. Oh, and Clint, you were up late as well. Vents not a very comfortable bed?" Sherlock laughed, leaning on a different counter to look at everyone.
"How do you keep getting in there!? You've forced Jarvis not to tell me. My own AI, and you've turned him againsed me." Tony questioned, exasperated.
"I will never tell you. And yes, that's how I keep putting bird nests on your bed." Clint laughed.
"I will figure it out one day." Tony growled.
"I could tell you, but I get the idea that this will be fun to watch." Sherlock smiled.
"My dude!" Clint laughed, forcing sherlock to give him a high five.
"This is going on my blog." John laughed.
"You have a blog?" Tony laughed, causing sherlock to go slightly defenceive.  He draped his free arm around his friends shoulders.
"Of corce! Where do you think we get our business? He wright's about our cases and it draws people in. I'd be lost without my blogger." Sherlock smiled. John blushed so slightly that it would only be noticed by sherlock.
"So, you two a couple or something?" Clint laughed.
"WE ARE NOT GAY!" The two men groaned at the same time, sherlock retreating his arm. Everyone laughed a little.
"I don't know, I mean, that was pretty unconvincing." Natasha laughed.
"Nothing wrong with it ya know." Steve smiled.
"I agree with the captain." Thor boomed, makeing everyone wince.
"Seriously, everyone must be deaf. We have to explain this to everyone. We aren't gay. We are just friends. I mean, I would think sherlock was asexual if he would let me in his head." John rolled his eyes, cause ing sherlock to smack him on the arm.
"I am just as normal as anyone else in that regard. I just don't have the time for that kind of sentiment." Sherlock defended himself.
"You two are so a couple." Bruce laughed.
"NO WERE NOT!" they both yelled at the same time.
"Ya, weren't you all googly eyes for Irene Adler?" John teased.
"No! She was smart. It's nice to know that not everyone is an idiot." Sherlock grumbled, sipping his coffee.
"Yet you still took her phone when she died. No time for sentiment my ass." John laughed, earning a smack on the back of the head.
"So, haveing a warriors mind, I was wondering. What is it you two do? Battle wise? I would find it appropriate for us to know how you fight if we ever come into battle with Loki and that Moriarty." Thor boomed.
"I fight with my mind. Moriarty does the same. He doesn't like to get his hands dirty. That's why he never had derect contact with any of his clients." Sherlock stated. "But, I do know quite a bit of martial arts. Everything from judo to MMA. But, I prefer to do the thinking. Johns the army doctor. I useualy let him do the fighting when I can." Sherlock added.
"That settles it. We're sparing. Sherlock, John, go get some better fighting cloned on and meet me in the training room." Natasha stated. John and sherlock instantly started to argue.
"Hang on a moment! Your a shield agent. I am quite positive you will break one of our jaws." Sherlock stammered.
"I would like to keep everything intact please." John mumbled.
"Oh relax, I won't kill you. And besides, you'll get more badly ingired arguing with me. Just go change." Natasha growled over her sholder, smileing innocently before walking into the elevator.
"Welp, we might as well go say hi to Moriarty or something, cause we're fucked." John stated simply.

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