Thrown back into the fire

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"You? Sherlock Holmes? Worried? Look, you will do great. You have the avengers on your side! Not to mention all of shield. You have your friends on your side." John reassured. He hated seeing sherlock, the emotionless machine, worried.
"That's the problem John. If I screw up, people will die. People I care about. Important people. It's not just my life on the line, John." Sherlock explained.
"It's been like that with every case you've had where someone had to be saved. You didn't screw up then, why should you now?"
"The world is litteraly resting on my sholders. If I don't find Loki, I don't find Moriarty, and if I don't find Moriarty, the world will be under his control. He's not just going after me now, John. He's going after everyone. I have to make calls I am not prepared to make. I have to find Loki. A god with magic that allows him to do whatever he wants. And he is under Moriarty's control. He isn't one to bluff. It's not any fun. I have to think like Moriarty, find someone who refuses to be found. He won't get caught unless he wants to."
"Sherlock, we will be here for you the whole way." John soothed.
"No! That's the problem! The last time I had anyone along for the ride I had to jump off a roof to save everyone I cared about! I can't have more people dragged down with me. If I die this time, I won't be able to fake it. Not this time. And I refuse to drag anyone down with me." Sherlock yelled, getting quieter as he got to the end. He didn't notice that the room had gone quiet after he yelled, not until he was done talking. He looked around with wide eyes, realizing that everyone now knew.
"You did that... you did that to save us?" Lestrade asked, shocked. Sherlock just looked down and nodded, walking away.
"It was either I die and complete Moriarty's story, or everyone I love dies instead. Forgive me yet?" Sherlock asked, walking away to the guest room he was staying in. He instantly locked the door and sat on the bed, not knowing what to do. Moriarty wouldn't make the same mistake again. He would kill sherlock personally.
"Mr Holmes? Your presence is requested in the common area." Jarvis spoke into the room, cause ing sherlock to flinch.
"Tell them I'm not talking to anyone." Sherlock stated.
"It's a video call, from Moriarty." Jarvis explained. Sherlocks eyes widened and he ran out of his room, seeing a large holographic screen coming out of the coffee table.
"Moriarty." Sherlock spat, stepping in front of everyone to look at his arch nemesis.
"Ah, sherlock! Long time no see. I belive the last time I saw you you were about to jump off a roof. Clearly we can survive alot." Moriarty stated.
"Clearly." Sherlock stated. "Pity I couldn't make you tea. Would have been more familiar that way." Sherlock smirked humorlessly.
"You made this nutcase tea!?" Tony exclaimed, sherlock flicked his wrist to shut him up.
"You haven't come out to play sherlock. Do I have to put John in a fire again?" Moriarty asked.
"I have merely been aquainting myself to America. Loki, odd play." Sherlock stated.
"I figured if I got him, I would have an easier time." Moriarty laughed.
"I see. What are you supposed to do now though? The avengers have proven they can beat him, and he thinks almost as well as us."
"Ah, that's the best part. My play all depends on yours."
"Oh, that's particularly crule, don't you think? Friend?" Sherlock said the last part bitterly.
"You are talking to the man who got you to choose between the death of everyone you know, or yourself."
"Oh belive me, I know."
"Good. How has Irene Adler been by the way? I managed to take a peak at the body. That was definitely not her."
"We haven't spoken."
"Oh, poor thing. I understand she was hot for you?"
"Unfortunately. anyway, what's the real reason you called?"
"To give you a hint, sherlock Holmes. You see, I'll be long gone once you get here, but I will leave you some hints. But, you need to break the code so you can trace this, not your science friends back there, but you. Enjoy the game, sherlock."
"I will." Sherlock finished with a snarl before the call ended.
"Why would he leave you hints?" Bruce asked.
"Because he loves to play the game. I need a computer with the code from this call." Sherlock stated. Steve brought over a laptop and handed it to sherlock, knowing the code would already be there. "Wonderful. Oh, such an easy code! He must want to be found. Moriarty, I'm disappointed."

It only took twenty muinets for sherlock to break the code, shocking Tony. The answer wasn't after the code, it was in it. Sherlock found that they were still in New York at the time. Perfect.
"Where were they?" Tony asked.
"So cheesy, Moriarty. Old where house on the river. Look alike to my last case before I faked my death. Sweets. I despise that man."
"What? Wow. Ok. Should we suit up? Cause, you seem to know how this guy works." Clint laughed.
"He likes to wach me 'dance'. He won't set traps. He wants to see me solve the puzzle.  Wepons. Suit up if you want, John and I useualy suffice with a gun and our fists." Sherlock stated, standing up and pulling a gun from his waist band, checking the full clip. Steve raised his eyebrows. Everyone had been watching TV wile sherlock worked. It was quite annoying.
"Um... that's been on you all day? The safety better be on." Steve asked.
"Yes, I keep it on me at all times, exept in the sparring Mach with Natasha earlier." Sherlock stated. Lestrade put two and two together first.
"You spared with Black Widow?" He asked with a hilarious shocked expression.
"John and I, yes. Almost killed us. Won't be doing it again. Who will be driving?" Sherlock asked, waveing everything off. The game was on.
"I will."Clint stated.
"Good, directions have been sent to your phone. Molly, Lestrade, stay here." Sherlock stated, wiping out his phone for a matter of seconds before Clint's ringer went off.
"How..." He mumbled stareing at his phone.
"Why? I mean, I understand with her, she works with people that are already dead. But I'm a police officer! I can operate a gun just fine!" Lestrade questioned heatedly.
"Exactly why your staying here. Bad enough you two have been dragged into this, I will not get you killed. You are both to stay in the most secure place possible, here. And if something does happen, I would like to have someone who can operate a gun here. And don't ask about John. He's been in the army and he is the one who helps me solve things. Stay here, both of you. You shouldn't have even came here." Sherlock stated quickly, talking as fast as he could and pointing his gun carelessly at the two newcomers. They both stood there in shock, feeling like they had just been scolded and watched as the stunned avengers and John followed the sherlock out, hearing him call an order out to Jarvis to keep them in the building at all times until they returned before the elevator doors closed. Sherlock was fascinating.

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