Part 9

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Arghhhh...... bising juga sna luar. Kepala sa pun sakit betul. Sa bole dengar ramai orang bercakap dekat2 sa.

"Sepa nama dia?" - Unknown male

"Meghan Ivory."

Sa dengar macam suara Harper tapi sa ndak tau betul ka ndak.

Trus tu lelaki tanya sa.

"Meghan, can u hear me?" - Unknown male


Sa harap suara sa kuat cukup2 tuk diorang dengar. Sa cuba buka mata sa tapi suma pun terang tul tambah2 lagi kepala sa kesakitan betul. Terang tul sa nampak sampai sa lindung mata sa guna tangan sa.

"Good Meghan. Cuba jangan terlampau bergerak. You have a pretty bad bruise on the right side of your face and a possible concussion. Sudden movement will only cause you pain." - Unknown male

Sa bole rasa tangan sa kena angkat2.

"My name is Nico. My partner here is Melda. We're paramedics and we're going to make quick work of checking of your vitals then we'll get you set-up on the gurney and over to the hospital, ko faham ba kan?" _ Nico

Lembut ja dia explain sa.

"Where's my daughter? Has she seen me? Is she okay?"

Suara sa sarut2 time cakap.

"I'm not sure Meghan." -Nico

"Can you find out? Please. I need to know she's alright.

Mau panic suda sa bila diorang pun ndak tau camna Lily.

"I'll go find out dalink. Don't get yourself too worked up. Nico you got this?" - Melda

"Ba capat la ko p check tu." - Nico

"Geeshhh... chill out la Nico. The woman's just been through hell and she wants to make sure her daughter's alright." - Melda

"Mel. We don't have much time ba, just hurry up." - Nico

Ndak kesabaran plak c Nico ni.

"Ko ah, lama suda gantung ba ni kan. Sepa suruh memilih girlfriend, kan bagus ko terima ja offer sa aritu jadi girlfriend ko, ndak juga ko mekong ja kegantungan." - Melda

"Imelda!!!" - Nico

"I'm going, I'm going. Calm down." - Melda

Astaga... sa ndak percaya dia baru ja cakap gitu. Walaupun sa rasa funny, susah juga sa mau ketawa2 selepas apa yang jadi sma sa. Lepas tu Nico check balik badan sa.

"What happened? Was I raped?"

Perlahan sa tanya sebab sa takut mau dengar jawapan dia.

"No. At least I'm almost certain it didn't get dat far. Polis dluan sampai dari kami. Menurut cakap kawan ko tadi, hampir2 suda ko kena rogol tapi dia sempat pukul kepala tu bastard. She had you covered up by the time we got here." - Nico

Sa rasa lega ckit dengar c Lucas ndak sempat rogol sa. Tba2 sa dengar ada orang teriak2 dari luar.

"Where is she?? Let me see her!!" - Ivan

It was Ivan.

"Sir, you have to calm down. Ko bole jumpa dia lepas medic bawa dia turun. You can't enter a crime scene."

Ada orang jawab soalan dia. Polis kin.

"What the fcuk does that mean? What crime scene? What happened?" - Ivan

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