Chapter 62

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Killian's POV

Emma was running late and so I had to give Wesley a bath. He was playing with bubbles and splashing me with water.

"Hey! Dont splash daddy." I say and splash him back.

"Hey Im home.... Killian why are you washing our son in the kitchen sick?" She asks.

"Because it was closer." I say.

"I'll take it from here." Emma says and wraps Wesley up in a towel.

"He still needs to be cleaned." I say.

"Then I will clean him in the tub because thats where he needs to be washed." She says and takes him upstairs.

Then there was a knock on the so I went to answer it.

"Hey wheres mom? And why are you all wet?" Leia asks me.

"Your brother slashed me and your mother well she is bathing your brother. Can I help you with anything?" I ask her.

"Well... No.. Thats okay." She says.

"You seem upset. Talk to me." I say.

"Its nothing." She says.

"Leia, please talk to me. Dont hide whatever is bothering you from me. Im your father. Please talk to me." I say.

"I had a talk with Archie and I think I might...." She says but stops.

"Leia? Please dont tell me your thinking about aborting your child?" I question.

She didnt even look at me. She looked down at the floor and Emma walked downstairs.

"Wes is asleep.. Hey whats going on?" Emma asks.

"Emma, Leia is planning..." I start.

"Dad please dont." Leia says.

"Dont what? Killian whats going on?" Emma asks.

"Its nothing." Leia says.

"Okay one of you talk." Emma says.

"Leia, is thinking about aborting her baby." I say.

"What?" Emma questions.

"Dad! Why?" Leia asks.

"She deserves to know the truth Leia." I say.

"Mom can you please say something." Leia says.

Emma said nothing instead she walked upstairs. Leia walked out the door. I followed Emma upstairs and she was standing and crying over Wesley's crib.

"Love, whats the matter?" I ask her.

"I know whats she is going through. Leia doesnt know this, actually no one does. After I found out I was pregnant I told my friends and my mom, but when I learned you were gone it killed me. So one day I skipped school and went to an abortion clinic. I was waiting for the doctor to tell me when it was time for him to do whatever they do, but as I waited a song played on the radio and it wasnt just any song it was a song that was by you. Thats when I knew I couldnt kill my baby. I left the clinic and went home. I never told anyone that story. Im sorry." She tells me.

"Oh.. Swan you dont have to be sorry you didnt go through with it. Even if you did I wouldnt be mad at you." I say.

"If I would have gotten rid of Leia, you would have never have came back here and I would still be with Graham and non of all the good things that have happened would have every happen. Keeping Leia was the best choice I ever made." She says.

"Emma I love you so much, but I dont want our daughter to make a choice that she will regret. You have to talk to her." I say.

"Your right. I'll go talk to her. Wes should be out for the night. I'll see you later." She says and kisses my cheek.

She walked out and I sat on the couch. I really hope Leia doesnt make a decision she will regret later in life.

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A/N: Okay also I have two new stories out. One is called In A Storm and the other is called Benefits. I hope you enjoy them.

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