Chapter 68

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Leia's POV

Well having a baby is scary especially when you dont know what will happen next. Though for me I have one person I can turn to for help and that woman is my mother. While my dad with out with Wesley I was with my mom at their house.

"So what will happen next?" I ask.

"Well Leia you have a baby." My mom says.

"Yeah I know that, but how do I do that? I mean I dont know what Im doing and he/she could be here any day." I say.

"Look when I had you I felt that way too. Its gonna be new, but believe me once you see your baby everything will just fall into place." She says.

"Really?" I question.

"Yeah really. It happened to me when I first saw you and it happened to your father when he first saw your brother. Taking care of a baby is scary, but believe me you will never love anything more." She says.

"Thanks mom that....Means.. ow." I say.

"Leia are you okay?" She asks.

"I dont know. All I know is that it hurt." I say.

"Are you feeling ill? Is your stomach very touch?" She asks.

"Yeah.. Mom it hurts." I say.

"Okay. Lets get you to the hospital." She says.

Once we got into the car I texted Ryder and we headed to the hospital.

"Hey Leia looks like your having a baby." Dr.Whale says.

I was placed into a labor room and I had to wait over the last couple hours people have come in and out of the room wishing me good luck.

"Leia your doing great." My mom says.

"Well I dont feel great right now." I say.

Hours later and I was finally told it was time to push. I pushed and pushed until the baby was out. I felt so weak, but the sound of a crying baby never made me feel stronger.

"Its a girl. A beautiful baby girl." My mom says.

I was handed my baby and started crying. She was beautiful and my mom was right Im never gonna love anything more then my baby girl.

A/N: Okay Im gonna need help on names. Im thinking of having Leia name her baby after Emma. Unless you guys could give me some other ideas.

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