Chapter10:Fixing everything/Wedding

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Paul and i adopted Bree her name is now Bree Rosita"Tanner"Lahote- Cullen Edward and Bella are getting married I'm so excited it's tomorrow night actually Alice even made all of us[besides Edward and Bella}get everything ready for the wedding tomorrow. Bella tried on heels but failed walking in them Alice has made me so mad and annoyed because of her making me change every single thing around and stuff like that ugh Alice why. I sighed standing between Rose and Esme watching Bree giggle playing around with one of her gifts{Controlling the Elements she learned faster than any vampire well beside me and my family} we smiled widely and giggled watching how happy and carefree she is. She looks better since shes been with us we all talked about her progress in drinking Animal blood which her eyes are now fully gold like ours.

 The next day Alice Rose Bree and i are in her room getting Bella ready for her big day{Wedding} we're all in our dresses. I turned gasping saying"omg Rosita Bree you look so beautiful"smiling at my shy daughter Bree{Rosita}{Almost forgot Seth hasn't Met Bree yet but i have a feeling he's going to be around for a long time for ever i think their going to be mates let's hope so}. I'm sitting between Kate and Trina holding  a smiling Bree in my lap{yes even tho she's 15 oh yea we found out she's actually 15 she told us after remembering stuff} we all stood turning and smiling watching a blushing and nervous looking Bella being led down the path we all sat back down facing forward watching and listening to everything the preacher was saying and everything. Finally we are all just dancing talking and laughing about everything that has happened and everything else after all that we had went out the front waving and saying goodbye to Bella and Edward who both had left for their honey moon obviously.

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