Chapter12:Renesmee and dead Bella

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 Today Bella Bree Rose and I were talking about baby names she picked E.J{Edward Jacob}for a boy and Renesmee{Renee and Esme}for a girl which a i have a great feeling it is and that the reason Jacob had stayed was because she'll be his imprint and her blood singer so excited tho Edward and Jake walked in asking what we were doing right now. We all started talking about the baby names and stuff when Bella drops her cup of Bella while she tried bending down to get it her spine broke and started falling towards the floor Edward sped over dropping down catching her right before she fell we stared worried and shocked. Edward Jake and i are in the delivery room Edward started biting into her stomach getting to the baby cause it's being smothered. Snapping my head in Edward's direction hearing a baby's cry i noticed him holding a baby Edward says"Renesmee" i ran over grabbing her saying"Rosalie" she ran in grabbing her running out of the room. Edward and Jake tried surviving Bella while  i stood froze before saying"Edward do it now"he nodded while Jake ran pass me out the door crying i ran out after him finding him sitting on the steps crying his heart out i sighed walking up sitting beside him saying"Jake"crying we held each other crying harder and louder{i can cry one of my gifts let's me cry like a human which is great sometimes}. I snapped my head up towards the woods noting a sad Leah and a sad/heartbroken Seth{my unbeaten her stopped lol he's like a little brother/son to me}who says"she didn't make it did she"crying hard i stood saying"Seth"running into his arms crying louder hugging him closer and tighter running my hands through his hair i sighed glancing at his crying form in my arms hugging me tightly. Bree ran out saying"mommy"dry sobbing i turned hugging her tightly telling her everything is going to be okay.

 Edward told us he had bitten and injected Carlisle's venom into Bella's body which had us all sighing knowing she'll be okay and alive now. I held Renesmee until i hear howling and growling i handing her over to Rose before running out with the rest of our family to see Sam and the pack{wolf form duh}waiting to attack. I glanced over towards Paul's wolf glaring and shaking my head disappointed in him{he's my blood singer and my imprinter} i sighed before fighting them with my family Jared ran forward trying to attack me but i punched and kicked him before i slung him into a tree whispering"sorry Jared". Hearing Bree's screams i growled and hissed turning but froze noticing Embry on top of her trying to tear her head off i started running over but paused noticing Paul tackling him off her screaming"DON'T YOU EVER AND I MEAN EVERY TRY TO HURT OR KILL MY IMPRINT OR MY DAUGHTER"in his head making the pack freeze and stare at Paul shocked and confusedly{they didn't know about us adopting Bree together}Edward and i shared a glanced smirking/smiling towards Paul who had walked to our side standing beside me licking my hand i rubbed his head sighing sadly. Jake ran out jumping off the porch changing into wolf form growling at Sam he tried standing taller{as the alpha}but Jake grew taller than Sam saying"if you kill her you kill me"making Edward and i say"Jake/Jacob imprinted on Renesmee they can't hurt or kill her because of him being the alpha prince and her being his princess"smirking/smiling and kinda frowning{me smirking Edward smiling and frowning at the thought}. After Sam and the pack left we all went back inside Paul sat down pulling Bree onto his lap and me between him and Emmett pulling us closer saying"i missed my girls"kissing Bree's forehead and my lips making us giggle she says"i missed you to daddy{Paul}now your here and staying right daddy"glaring up at him he smiled widely saying"yes Bree daddy's staying forever with my favorite girls"kissing our foreheads. Alice and i say"Bella's waking up"smiling excitedly Alice jumped up and down squealing.

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