Chapter 16:Vladimir and Stefan

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            (Paul and Jacob{Paul's Jacob's Beta now} are training the new wolves Brady and Collin)

       While we were outside helping Bella train more with her shielding gift i heard Paul in my head{Paul and Sabrina can send each other messages through their minds just for them to hear and see}saying' Sabrina their are two unwanted bl.....vamps coming ur way' i sent one back saying' okay Paul be careful' before saying"um guys Paul sent me a mind messages saying their were two unwanted vampires coming our way"we sped through the woods stopping in front of a huge rock which had the two unwanted vampires{Vladimir and Stefan}i smirked. Carlisle says"Vladimir Stefan your a long way from home"they say"we heard you had committed a crime and are fighting the Volturi"Carlisle explained how we weren't fighting just having witnesses.  We all went inside they met Nessie but not Bree yet who is with Seth at the beach i sighed talking to  Vladimir and Stefan about how i found my mate and how we adopted a newborn vampire named Bree{Vladimir and i had a thing in 1953 but um yea}. I felt arms wrap around my waist and say"hey Paul"smiling up at him he glanced down at my face with love pride and lust in look in his eyes smiling back down at me kissing me softly pulling away Vladimir and Stefan tried not to smell his wet dog smell while talking to him telling him he better not hurt me or our daughter. Everyone agreed to help us we all sat around talking about what if it doesn't work and we have to fight i started thinking about what if or thinking about what Bella and i were thinking about earlier that day. I was sat on Paul's lap talking and laughing with the guys{Paul Vladimir and Stefan}when we hear a voice say"mommy daddy help me stop Seth that tickles"giggling we turned Paul and i smirked knowing while Vladimir and Stefan started shocked at Bree{Vladimir had seen pictures of my sister from my passed}glancing over at me smiling widely{not something you would see on their faces}Bree and Seth walked over holding hands smiling at us sitting down Bree on a blushing Seth's lap i intruduced them to Vladimir and Stefan who talked with Bree about how they met me and everything about were their from after she asked about their accents.

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