Part 3

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Dylan mumbled as he slowly sat up in his bed, the morning sun shining through his lavender shades. He rubbed the sleep out his eyes, climbing out his bed, and walking to the bathroom, where had already put out his clothes for today. Today was simply, a white, soft sweater that reached mid thigh, black leggings, and to top it off, all white converses.

He quickly got in the shower, taking his time, since he woke up pretty early this morning. 5:30, to be exact. He made sure to use his favorite watermelon body wash, that was his usual scent. After he got out the shower, he slipped on his clothes. He added some makeup, not a lot, just some mascara and cherry lipgloss.

He walked back in his room, sitting on his bed, which had a bunch of cute stuff animals on it, with a light grey patterned comforter, and a lavender blanket laying across it. His thoughts went everywhere, from what he might have for dinner tonight, to the encounter he had yesterday from those big headed jocks.

His thoughts soon landed on the black hair boy he met yesterday. Jacob, he said his name was. For some reason, the boy kept invading his thoughts ever since yesterday, after they met at the park. He promised he would met the boy today, and that he was looking forward to.

"DYLAN, COME EAT BREAKFAST," he heard his stepmom, Eliana, yell from the kitchen. He wasn't fond of her, at all. She'd be lucky if Dylan even said hi to her, after she yelled at him yesterday when he came home 5 minutes past his curfew.

Dylan sighed as he grabbed his backpack, rolling his eyes. He opened his door, grabbing his pink cases phone, before walking out and cutting off the lights. Eliana smiled at him when he walked in, it faltering when she saw his outfit. He grabbed a piece of toast from the plate, hugged his father, Hayden, who was sitting at the kitchen table, eating his food. "Bye dad, bye Eliana," he said as he walked out the kitchen, giving his step mother a look, before walking out the front door, heading to school.

His walk to school was uneventful, so no need to talk about it. Before he could even walk through the doors of the huge high school, he was tackled by two bodies, who giggled on top of him. Pushing them off gently, he got up and brushed off his clothes, tucking a strain of hair behind his ear. "And why was I just tackled just now?"

His two friends, Tiana, who was a short, African American female, with straight long black hair, and Ryan, a tall, Hispanic male, with wild, untamed hair, giggled while getting up off the ground and brushing off their own clothes. "No reason really, just wanted to," said Tiana, smirking, then laughing when Dylan flipped her off.

"Now don't be like that, take our love," said Ryan, who wrapped his arms around Dylan, slightly picking him up from the ground. Dylan squealed, hitting his best friend in the arm multiply times, in an attempt to make him put him down. It didn't work.

Ryan smirked at him, shaking him slightly, before putting him down. "Your hits are weak, didn't feel a thing." Dylan looked up at him, straight faced, before punching Ryan in the stomach, making the boy double over as he groaned in pain. "Now don't talk to be until, you say sorry," he said, flipping his hair. "Come on Tiana, we have math class in a few minutes."

Dylan walked past him, grabbing Tiana's arm as he did so. They walked into the high school, hearing the loud chatter in the hallway. He walked past the boys who messed with him yesterday, he won't tell you what they tried to do. They smirked at him, following him with their eyes as he and Tiana walked down the hallway. They finally made it to class, taking their seats in the back, as they were there early, so they picked good seats.

Dylan took out his pink math notebook, as class started. He was anxious to meet up with blind, black haired boy, who's name was Jacob.

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