Chapter 2

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Nora couldn't believe it.

Pyrrha was dead.

"How!?" Nora screamed loudly, thankful that no one was in her house. "How.. How did she die!? Pyrrha is the strongest person I know.."

True, Pyrrha was one of the people Nora admired most. Nora didn't aspire to be like Pyrrha like other people did, though. Nora admired Pyrrha because of how strong willed and determined Pyrrha was.

Unfortunately, that led to Pyrrha's demise.

Nora fell backwards onto her bed, and, contrasting with her normal personality, she began to cry.

"Pyrrha.. Why..." Nora thought of Jaune for a second. "They.. They never even got to be together. Pyrrha didn't deserve to die.."

Ren heard her despairing cries and sighed. The two lived together- it saved them both money, and they were already close enough with each other to live with each other. Nora thought he'd gone out- which was the only time she ever let herself cry. When no one was there to see her weak.

Ren leaned against her door, upset by hearing her cry. She didn't hear him- and he backed away slowly, leaving her to cry. He didn't know what to say to comfort her- "there there?" That obviously wasn't going to do anything, and as she continued to cry, Ren found himself opening the door to her room.

"R-Ren!!' You're home!" Nora exclaimed, hiding herself under her blankets. "I-I didn't know-" Nora didn't want anyone to see her cry. However, Ren didn't care if the cheerful girl cried- because Nora was strong, and Nora didn't need to pretend to be happy to make others happy. Nora needed to admit her feelings to herself.. And others.

"Nora." Ren said. "I know you.. were crying."

Nora sighed and pulled the blankets off of herself. "...that loud, Huh?" Nora muttered, slightly hoping Ren wouldn't hear. Ren heard anyway.

"...kind of. Nora, you know you don't have to bottle all of your feelings up."

"W-what feelings? I'm feeling jolly!" Nora forced a smile onto her face.

"...Nora, I'm not stupid. I'm upset too."

"...Ren, she didn't deserve to die." Nora sniffed. "She was so... So amazing. Such a good person, too.."

"I know. I know." Ren sat down on the bed, letting Nora rest her head on his shoulder.

"...I don't understand... Why did she have to go after Cinder? She knew that she might not win.." Nora cried.

"Pyrrha was the type of person who needed to try to help, and if she died trying, then she could at least say she tried." Ren said.

"...Ren... I get what you're trying to say, but that doesn't make a lot of sense."

"...sorry. But you know what I mean."

"Yeah.. I think if she didn't go after Cinder, she'd be haunted forever." Nora frowned. "She'd feel like she could've changed the outcome of what happened.."

" know what makes it worse?" Ren asked. "The sad fact that... Her death didn't change anything. Beacon still fell."

"I know." Nora sobbed. "Why... Why did they decide to do this? Why couldn't they just let Pyrrha live!?"

"Their group is despicable... Killing for fun. We must avenge Pyrrha.."

"Yes. We're going to kick their butts." Nora sniffled somberly. "...the only way to do that is to get stronger. I need to stop moping and go train."

"'re allowed to grieve, Nora. You don't need to-"

"I'm training for Pyrrha. That's what Pyrrha would want us to do- to stop waiting for her to come back because she isn't. She would want us to continue life... And live happily."

"Only problem is... It's not that easy."

"I-I-i know." Nora took a deep breath. "I wish Pyrrha was still here... She'd know what to do."

" too. Are you.. Alright now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.." Nora said.

"Okay. I'm going to go eat.. See you downstairs." Ren stood up and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Nora laid back on her bed, her hammer propped against the wall.

"...Pyrrha... Hm. I wonder if she can hear me.." Nora mused. "I thought you were boring at first, but I was wrong... Pyrrha.. Can't you find some way to come back? Like, a magic spell or something? Please? Although, that magic spell could also somehow end up being a gun, too.."

Nora was somewhat disappointed what she didn't hear Pyrrha's laughter, or see Pyrrha at all. "You really are gone, Huh... This is weird.." Nora let a tear slide down her cheek. "...I..I miss you, Pyrrha. I don't have anyone to tease without you.. Pyrrha, I wish you hadn't done that. I wish you hadn't gone to fight Cinder.. Then you still would be here with us."

Nora considered that fact again. "But.. You would still hate yourself for not going after her..." Nora gripped her head in frustration. "Death is complicated... And I'm talking to myself. I don't normally do this.. Your death is really getting to me. Even though people tell me I'm allowed to grieve, I feel like I'm still supposed to act like typical Nora, cheerful Nora. Oh, Pyrrha.. Why did it have to be you?"

She took a deep breath, and hurdled herself off the bed. She walked to the bathroom, washing her face with water so as to hide the fact she'd been crying- even though Ren already knew. She didn't want anyone to see her weak, anymore. She could cry... Alone.

She grabbed her hammer from her room, and walked downstairs. Ren was eating pancakes.

"Pancakes! For lunch!?" Nora questioned.

"Let's just call it brunch."

Nora and Ren ate silently for once. They understood each other's pain just by looking at each other- and they also understood that was the easiest way to get over the pain.

By being in the comfort of each other.

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