Chapter 5

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It was night. Blake's stomach growled and she licked her lips at the promise of food. She circled the house, looking for open windows. She deftly climbed into one, quietly making her way into the kitchen. She was almost out of the room when she heard a voice.

"Who's there?" The voice asked, stumbling in the dark.

It's Yang.

Blake panicked at that realization. She knew she needed to get out of there. Unfortunately, there was nowhere for her to go. She dashed to the door, the person curiously following her.

Of course Yang didn't call for any backup.

Blake shook her head at how reckless Yang was. If she was an enemy, Yang would be dead.

"I know you're there... You might as well reveal yourself. I can't do much damage right now anyway." Yang sadly said. Blake remained quiet. She couldn't risk Yang finding out she was there.

She couldn't bear the pain.

"Well? If you're going to kill me, do it now!" Yang said. She sounded so defeated, that Blake almost revealed her location.

Blake feared Yang's reaction.

"...Was I just hallucinating...?" Yang sighed. She turned around, preparing to head back into the kitchen when Blake audibly gasped.

Yang's arm...

Blake didn't realize it before, but Yang's arm had been completely decapitated.

"Who is it?" Yang closed her eyes in frustration. "Just- show yourself!"

Blake didn't move at all, and Yang continued to get closer to the Faunus. Blake held her breath as Yang stood next to her.

"Hmm.." Yang pondered. Reaching out with her left arm, she prodded the area, Blake moving out of the way at the last second.

In her haste, Blake's eyes had only been trained on where she needed to go. What she should have been looking at is where Yang was going to go.


Blake gasped as Yang's hand made contact with her ears. I knew I should've kept my bow on...

"Bl-Blake!? Is that you?" Yang's voice grew louder considerably. Blake's eyes widened in fear as she scanned the room again, looking for an escape. She's going to hurt me. She's going to hate me for running away. She doesn't know my intentions..

"Blake! If it is you... Please, show yourself. I...I miss you." Yang's voice returned to a quiet tone. "Why would you run from us? We just want to help you..."

In her stupor, Blake stupidly answered.

"I don't want to hurt you."

Why would you respond, Blake!? You just ruined everything. Now where do you plan on running!?

"It is you, Blake!?" Yang grinned. Her happiness faded as the anger sank in. "Why would you leave us!?" Yang cried. "We needed you. Why would you go? I...I needed you."

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to protect you." Blake responded. "When I'm not around, you guys can't get hurt because of me-"

"But we can." Yang retorted. "...I-im hurt because you left. You caused more damage leaving than being here."

"You lost your arm because of me."

"But I did it because I didn't want you to get hurt. Blake, I was never upset about my arm. I was upset because you left. Blake... Please. Stay."

"...I...I'm sorry Yang... I can't risk you guys getting hurt again-"

"But you're hurting us by staying away." Yang told her. Blake was silent.

"Ruby.. And the rest of team JNPR are planning on going to Haven." Yang proceeded cautiously. "I wasn't planning on going with them. I was going to find you. But... You're here now."

"No." Blake answered softly, already knowing what Yang was going to ask.

"Come with me." Yang pleaded. "I...I'm dying without you."

"I can't hurt you again."

"Blake!" Yang yelled. The house was silent. "...Don't.. Leave... Please. Come with us."

"...I..." Blake was so tempted to run off. To tell Yang she couldn't. She couldn't risk hurting her again.

But Blake was selfish.


"Really?" Yang breathed. She didn't want to get her hopes up.

"...Yes. I'll come with you... I'm sorry. I'm so selfish." Blake hung her head.

"No, Blake. You're not being selfish... If anything, I am by keeping you here. I'm so glad... Thank you."

"Im sorry.."

"Stop apologizing..."

"But it will be my fault if you get hurt." Blake argued. Yang sighed.

"Blake, I'm okay with that... As long as it's for you."


"Well, hurray! Three members of team RWBY coming with us!" Nora cheered.

"Yeah.. Now we're just missing Weiss, and Pyrrh-" Ren stopped himself. "Just Weiss.."

Jaune sighed, examining his weapon. It was enhanced and combined with Pyrrha's weapon...

He missed her so much. He wished she was here- encouraging him. Training him.

He wished he hadn't pushed her out of the way when he was flirting with Weiss at the beginning of the year. Why hadn't he admitted his feelings? Why was he so dense? Why couldn't he seen her feelings for him?

It was too late now. She was gone. Never coming back. Ever.


Never coming back...


"Cinder has killed Pyrrha Nikos as well as Ozpin?" A white haired woman with red eyes questioned. Her name was Salem.

"Yes." The half-scorpion named Tyrian confirmed. "But she's severely injured by some girl named Ruby. Can't even talk anymore." He scoffed. "Beaten by a little girl? Heh.."

"Quiet." Salem dismissed. "She has done well. I presume Pyrrha Nikos was not so invincible after all... Hmm. Tell me, Tyrian. What did Cinder do with the Nikos' girl's body?"

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