Chapter 3

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"Alright. It's time to call Jaune!" Nora announced.

"For what?" Ren questioned.

"Well... Team JNPR can't stay down forever. We're going to go unite with team RWBY, and then defeat Cinder!"

"...and how do you propose we do that?"

"Eh.... Uh.." Nora paused. "I didn't really think about that."

"Well, maybe Jaune will know." Ren opened up his scroll. It began to ring. No one answered.

Just as Ren was about to give up and end the call, Jaune picked up.

"Hi, Ren." Jaune sounded incredibly tired.
"What do you need?"

"Well, Jaune! We're going to go unite with team RWBY, and defeat Cinder and her nasty crew!" Nora cheered.

"...hello, Nora. Anyway.. That sounds great, but.. We don't even know where Cinder is."

"Well, maybe we'll head to Mistral. That's a likely next target. We'll be there to help prevent the fall of Haven." Nora proposed.

"You know... That's actually not a bad idea." Jaune told her.

"Hahah! See! It's settled, we'll head out tomorrow!"


"... We already found a problem with your plan, Nora." Ren said as the members of team JNPR...JNR met at Ren and Nora's house.


"Yeah.. The only people from team RWBY who are even willing to do so is Ruby. Yang is depressed, no one even knows where Blake is, and Weiss is...Er, stuck at home." Jaune sighed.

"Okay.. Well... I guess we're going to go motivate Yang? We could always try sneaking Weiss out of her house."

"How are we going to sneak Weiss out? There is probably high security at her house." Jaune questioned.

"Okay, well I guess we're ready to go to Ruby's house. Mission- motivate Yang!" Nora cheered.

"Something tells me this is going to go horribly." Ren muttered.


"Oookay! We're here!" Nora knocked on the door. Taiyang Xiao Long, otherwise known as Yang's father, opened the door.

"Who are you?" He narrowed his eyes, his weapon aimed at them in a matter of seconds.

"Whoa, whoa." Nora put her hands up.

"Great. This is going so well." Ren muttered.

"Get off my lawn." Mr. Xiao Long threatened.

"Wait!" Ruby rushed to the door. "Dad, these are my friends! Don't hurt them."


"Yeah! Sorry, I guess I should have told you they were coming over.." Ruby scratched the back of her neck. "Whoops!"

"Oh. Well, in that case, sorry. I'm Taiyang Xiao Long, but you can call me whatever you want to. Old man, pops, Mr. Xiao Long.. I don't mind."

"Thank you. I'm Jaune, that's Nora, and that's Ren." Jaune introduced.

"Nice to meet all of you. Now, don't let me keep you waiting. Come on in! But...Just warning you, that if you plan on visiting Yang... You probably shouldn't bother."

"Oh.. Oh no." Nora looked down. "Is she.. Okay?"

"...she's.. Doing the best she can." Mr. Xiao Long hesitated.

"Understandable." Ren nodded.

"I.. Can take you to her." Ruby said.


The four came to Yang's room, and Ruby knocked.

"Yang? Yang, can I come in?"

No one responded, and Ruby sighed, pushing the door open.

"Hi, Yang.." Nora waved tentatively. Yang was sitting up in her bed, and looked over to them.

"Oh, hi guys.." Yang waved with her left arm slightly. She attempted to smile, but gave up. "...why are you guys here..?"

"Uh~ see, we're going to go to Mistral, Haven academy to try to prevent its fall. Ruby's going to come." Nora said quietly, not wanting Mr. Xiao Long to hear them- because Ruby would be sneaking off with them.

"Okay..and?" Yang looked at the stump of her arm. "If I went with you... I would just slow you down. I can't fight like this. It'd help you more if i stayed back."

"...that's not the only reason you want to stay back." Ren said.

"'re right. I'll slow you down, but I just don't even see what the point is. I lost an arm. I don't know how you all are managing to be cheery right now. I just want to be left alone. Sorry." Yang told them.

"...cheery?" Jaune frowned. "Yang. W...we lost P-Pyrrha. We lost a teammate, someone who can't come back. Losing an arm is nothing, nothing compared to the pain I'm- we're- feeling right now. We're going to go to Haven to prevent that same fate from happening to other people. If you don't come.. We understand. We understand that you're okay with letting other people go through the same thing as you are right now, and making them suffer the same pain." Jaune finished harshly.

"Jaune.." Yang started, surprised but was cut off.

"No. Don't make some excuse. Losing an arm is bad, yes. I get that it's how you fight. I know you feel like you might slow us down. But you know what? You're slowing us down by not coming. We need you." Jaune walked out, leaving a startled Yang, the other four following him.

"See, this is why Jaune is our leader." Nora whispered to Ren.

"..I didn't say anything against it."

Yang sat in her bed, confused but also slightly encouraged. Slightly. Her father walked in with some sort of box.

"Well, aren't you going to open it?" He winked at her as he set it down. She looked curiously at it, and then opened it.

A right arm specially designed for Yang sat there. Yet, Yang didn't hold any feelings towards it- she wanted her normal arm back. Her flesh. She was missing something from herself.

"You going to try it on?" He asked.

"...maybe later." Yang continued to look at the arm, and her father took the hint. He sighed, and walked out of the room. She stared at it, and picked it up with her left hand. It feel foreign to her- nothing like the skin and bone she missed. She set it back down and angrily scowled at the floor, banging her fist on the desk and nearly cracking the wood. "I tried to save you Blake. I lost my arm for you, and in return, you abandoned me. It wasn't just my arm that I lost.. I..I also lost you, Blake."

Yang stared out the window, wondering where her Faunus friend was. She then looked at the arm again, cursing.

"...and.. I lost myself."


I was about to put this book back into my drafts. However, people actually are reading this book and that makes me so happy! Wattpad wasn't showing any reads for this, so I was gonna put it away... But yeah.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

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