Chapter 3 - A Bad Premonition (Part B)

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So....I'm finally done writing ch 3! Yay! However....I know I said I was dividing this chapter into two parts but unfortunately ch3 was to long so I had to divide it into 3 parts: A, B, & C. I'm doing this so the reading doesn't get boring and drawn out. I hope you guys understand. Oh, and in this chapter you guys get to meet Xiao Ming's friends.

Now, please enjoy! Vote & comment.

Chapter 3 - A Bad Premonition (Part B)

In the morning, Xiao Ming woke up with a long yawn and stretched out his limbs like a cat in his bed. He rubbed his eyes awake and sat up on his bed. Last night's dream was still vivid in his mind. He was not in a good mood when he recalled the boy kissing him. He frowned and shivered in disgust. Why did that guy have to appear in his dream? Xiao Ming felt a bad premonition in his guts. Was this dream telling him something bad was going to happen to him?

Still frowning, he turned toward the double door and yelled to the two servants waiting outside, "Tan Tao! Lu ShaoQing! I have awakened. Prepare the morning necessities."

Immediately, the double door opened to revealed two male servants. One was short and chubby while the other was tall with a good build. Both wore a greyish-blue servant outfit lined with blue. The short, chubby one was Lu ShaoQing and the tall one was Tan Tao.

Here is what the servant outfit looks like:

A bristle brush is made of a bamboo stick and hog bristles

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A bristle brush is made of a bamboo stick and hog bristles. Here's what a bristle brush looks like:

Just imagine Xiao Ming using a much nicer looking one

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Just imagine Xiao Ming using a much nicer looking one. ;)

The two servants entered Xiao Ming's bed chamber. Tan Tao was carrying a large marble bowl of clean water, meanwhile, Lu ShaoQing was carrying a bristle brush (toothbrush used in Tang Dynasty; image above), a small bowl of water and several white clothes. They both set the items on the table near the bed. After that they both slipped out of the bed chamber to retrieve the large wooden bath tub and bathing water.

Xiao Ming stood up, went to the table, and sat down. He brushed his teeth using the bristle brush and then washed his face. Afterward, he patted his face dry with one of the smaller white cloth.

After a moment, the two servants returned and set up the bath. They blocked the tub with a screen and then prepared the clothes. The clothes were set neatly on the table. After finishing their duty, they both slipped out the room to wait outside the bed chamber.

Xiao Ming took his bath and then dressed himself in a white, silk robe and a big, dark blue brocade outer robe. He combed his hair and put it up in a neat knot with a male hair ornament to hold the knot in place.

In truth, his servants would have helped him dress and do his hair but he outright refused to have them touch him. He didn't like anyone, except for his mother, touching him in any way. He simply felt disgusted and uncomfortable when others touched him.

After finishing with his morning routine, he took his lucky turtle and left the Xiao estate to go find his friends at the popular restaurant for wealthy nobles.

The restaurant was where they usually meet up in the day before they all head out to have fun. It was in the wealthier side of the Red Star Kingdom's Vermilion capital. The food and wine served there were 2nd to the ones at the palace. Many nobles liked eating and relaxing there. There were three stories all together. The first floor was for wealthy commoners. The second floor was for wealthy nobles. The third floor was for important and high ranking nobles to conduct their business deals.

When Xiao Ming arrived at the restaurant, he climbed to the second floor and found two of his friends sitting at their usual spot.

The second floor was divided into several private spaces, encased by rich redwood panels. Each private space was beautifully and elegantly decorated.

His two friends were sitting at the table holding an anonymous book while whispering and snickering to each other. Each time they flipped a page, one of them would let out a "Wuah!" or "Wow" with a perverted face. The other would just silently go along with it.

Xiao Ming ignored the two idiotic perverts and sat down at the table. He placed his lucky turtle on the table and took out a silk handkerchief and ointment to polish the turtle's shell. He busied himself this way while they all waited for the fourth member of their group to arrive.

A few minutes later the last guy finally arrived, however, he was wailing with imaginary tears.

If Xiao Ming were to describe their group, they would be an odd one. One was a big time pervert and womanizer, the second guy was a stone-faced guy, the third guy was a drama queen, and Xiao Ming was a cold, no-touch guy.

Xiao Ming's brows wrinkled as his friend entered their private space in the restaurant. He found the wailing of this friend of his quite noisy and irritating. Instead of looking up, he just continued polishing his turtle.

The two perverts next to Xiao Ming set down their book and stared at their wailing friend. One of them rolled his eyes in annoyance, while the other laughed and asked, "What's up Chu Yunru? What's with the stupid wailing?"

Chu Yunru's wailing turned into light sobs as he sat down with the rest of the group. "Wen Zemin, how can you say that?! Can't you see that a huge calamity has befallen this good friend of yours?"

In response to Chu Yunru, Wen Zemin burst into further laughter.

Staring at Chu Yunru with disdain, Liang Yaozu curtly said to him, "What calamity haven't you suffered? It seems to fall upon you like rain drops every day." He grabbed the bottle of wine and poured some into a small cup. Then he shoved it toward the sobbing Chu Yunru.

Chu Yunru grabbed the cup and downed it in one go. After doing so, he fiercely frowned at Liang Yaozu. "This time, I am quite serious. This time, I am going to die for sure! My life is over!!"

Xiao Ming remained passive in the conversation.

Wen Zemin laughed and said, "Say, Chu Yunru, which calamity has befallen you today? Can it be that you were caught with another man's wife?"

"Caught with another man's wife? Fuck you Wen Zemin!" Chu Yunru angrily threw the small cup at the other man's face but missed, earning hysterical laughter from Wen Zemin. Chu Yunru continued, "The one that should be caught is you, you perverted womanizer!"

Seeing that Chu Yunru had been angered, Liang Yaozu knocked on the table to get his attention. "Calm down Chu Yunru. Wen Zemin was just joking." Then he turned to Xiao Ming who has been passive all this time. "Xiao Ming, say something."

Xiao Ming's busy hands stopped polishing the turtle and he gave a little sigh. Did he really have to join in? Seeing that Liang Yaozu and Chu Yunru were staring at him while Wen Zemin was still laughing his ass off, Xiao Ming relented.

"What is this 'great' calamity that you are speaking of?"

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