Chapter 6 - On the Way Back (Part A)

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Hi all! Here's the new chapter. There's two parts (A & B). Also, I'm lazy and tired of writing "Prime Minister Xiao" repeatedly so I'm only just gonna go with "Minister Xiao" or just minister. Please forgive my laziness! Also (again), give me a heads up if any of you are unable to see all the contents of the chapter (ex: missing texts/ things being repeated or out of place). Thanks for reading and enjoy! 😊

Chapter 6 – On the Way Back (Part A)

It was early in the morning. Minister Xiao had failed the day before to persuade the Emperor to take back the decree. Right now, he was on his way back to the Xiao estate.

The capital was very large. It spanned for many, many acres. The imperial palace was located in the very center, where the capital was the richest and most flourishing. At the borders of the capital were towering walls that protected the capital. Watchtowers were littered across the walls, and guards stood watch at every entrance to the capital. There were 4 entrance gates: the north, the west, the south, and the east. While the imperial palace was in the center, the Xiao estate was a bit off to the side where the West entrance gate was at. From the Imperial palace to the Xiao estate took about three hours and a half on a slow-moving carriage.

It has already been three hours since he left the imperial palace.

Minister Xiao was riding in a carriage dragged by two strong, sturdy horses. The carriage rocked gently from side to side with the movement of the turning wheels on the paved road. On both sides of the road were shops, inns, restaurants, residences, and all sorts of buildings that can be found within the capital of Red Star Kingdom. The people and the businesses within the capital was lively and flourishing vibrantly. Loud voices of salesmen and shopkeepers trying to sway customers their way traveled into the carriage. Minister Xiao was sitting inside. He ignored all the voices and bustles coming in from the outside. His dark brows knitted together and caused a shadow to spill over his brooding eyes. Wrinkles marred the corners of his eyes as he narrowed them into slits. His lips were pursed together. He was thinking back to his meeting with the Emperor.

In the large court meeting hall, giant columns in the shape of dragons soared up toward the sky to hold the high ceiling above. The walls were draped in rich, red silks, and jade pearls and emeralds lined the ceiling. A long, intricately designed carpet rolled from the large doubled door entrance to a wide, 1 meter tall stage. In the center of the stage was a great chaise made of gold and cushioned with the finest materials. Behind the chaise was a huge painting of a fierce and gold-scaled dragon. The dragon’s body wove into an infinity symbol with its fearsome and formidable jaws opening to devour its tail.

Emperor Tian Shoushan was sitting imposingly upon the golden chaise. Next to him was Eunuch Zhu He, his most trusted and favored advisor. Prime Minister Xiao was kneeling respectfully on ground before the Emperor.

The Emperor’s old, rusted voice echoed down to the minister. Although he was old, his voice was strong and confident.

“You may rise.”

“Thank you, your majesty.” Minister Xiao cupped his hands, bowed, and then rose to stand on his feet.

“Ah, Prime Minister Xiao. What a joy to see you. I hope that everything is well with you and your family. After all, soon we will become in-laws.” The Emperor chuckled and then continued, “So, why have you come to seek an audience with me this evening?”

The minister looked up at the Emperor with a pale face. The Emperor obviously knew the reason for his visit, but acted as if he was clueless, as if there was nothing wrong! The minister sighed internally and forced on a smile.

“Everyone is well, your majesty. Ur, um…your majesty, I have come to seek an audience with you today regarding the recent decree you passed down to this Xiao’s family.”

The Emperor frowned, and sternly questioned in attack, “Is there something in the decree that you are upset with? Are you not pleased about joining our two families? Is marrying your child to the Third Prince an insult to you?”

The Emperor’s eyes narrowed his eyes to slits and stared down at the minister with an imposing and angry gaze.

Under such a gaze from the Emperor, Minister Xiao took in a cold breath and turned his head downward to the carpet under his feet. Even though he feared the Emperor’s wrath, he could not help but laugh inside. He clearly saw that the Emperor had avoided the main problem and was deliberately turning the tables on him.

“Your majesty, this Xiao family have been eternally loyal to several generations of the imperial family. If your majesty sees a child of this Xiao family is worthy to join the imperial family, it will truly be the honor and fortune of this Xiao family. However, how could this Xiao’s son be married to the Third Prince? They are both males. Bringing them together in matrimony will be like a punishment upon them both. The Third Prince is greatly wise and intelligent. He is also matchlessly skilled. I feel that he will accomplish many great things for the kingdom and for you, your majesty. Going through with this marriage will limit his scope of accomplishments in the future and restrain him to a life without heirs. I have seen the heavy favor you have placed upon the Third Prince these few months. I do not understand why your majesty would cut his arms and legs to face the torrential winds within the palace.” (Ask me if you don’t understand the meaning here.)

As the minister’s words rolled out of his mouth, the anger on the Emperor’s face slowly transformed into helplessness. He loved his son, the Third Prince dearly. He couldn’t bear to do it, but he was helpless to prevent it, and it was what his son had wanted. Why his son had wanted it, he was in the dark about it. His only conclusion was that his son was trying to get the backing of the prime minster to cushion the blow from the marriage. The prime minister held much power, and if he married the prime minister’s son instead of some lowly official’s son or a commoner’s son, he would gain the aid of the prime minister.

The minister’s discourse continued. “It would be a great pity to waste such a talent such as the Third Prince. It would be the sorrow of the kingdom…. Your majesty, I do not hope for you to change your mind and dissolve the marriage between our two families. This Xiao’s only hope is that you would reconsider the bride for the Third Prince. It would be more proper to have the Third Prince marry a daughter instead. I have a daughter named Xiao Ruo who would be a good match for the Third Prince. Please, your majesty, this Xiao has come to you with a thick face to ask you to think of all the services this Xiao has done for your majesty and the kingdom. This Xiao beseeches you to change the bride, your majesty.”

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