The Earthen Half-Sister

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3rd  Person  Omniscient

"My queen," Rayne bows down to Cakey, smiling. "I have brought your daughter as thou (deal with it) had requested."
Cakes smiled, "Rayne! It's a pleasure to see you! Art thou here to help?"
"That, and help train your daughter's protector." Plus see my eldest sister. Rayne added in  her head,  moving aside so that Ranger could be seen.
The magic spawn I'm the clearing gasped. A human!
Ranger smiled and waved awkwardly. "Hi Cakey."
Cakey brought Ranger into a hug. "RANGER!"
The clearing's inhabitants gasped again. Who was this mysterious human that knew the supposed angel queen and their hero?
"Cakey! Stop! You're being almost as bad as the others!" Cakey laughed and let go.
"We wouldn't want that now would we? Now, what's this about you being my daughter's  protector?"
"Heh... well..."
"Wait just a second!" Cries out a very confusled Caki. "Who are you people?" She points at Rayne and Ranger.
"Well, I'm Cakey's old friend from Earth. I also turned out to be Infern here's protector."
"Why are you her protector?" Inquires Flame.
" She is the Princess of Angels." Rayne  states simply.
"Now who are you!?" Asks a kit'li in the crowd, pointing at Rayne.
"Which title? Before I died or after?"
"You died?" Questions a young kit'li.
"All of the angels have, besides Infern and Ranger of course."
Everyone's heads turn to Cakey.
"WHAT!? Seriously guys! You've seen me die like, I don't know, twice?!" Cakey says.
It took thrice for you to become an angel, Rayne adds in her head.
"Whatever!" Infern screams, giving everyone the signal that they should probably  listen. " Tell them about your current identity,  then your past one."
Rayne smiles. "Hello my name is Rayne, the protector of Queen Cakey the Queen of the Angels. I have been an angel for about 21 years." Cakey looks at Rayne for a second. That has been about how long ago she herself had become an angel. "But my past identity  is someone that both Cakey and Ranger had known." This grabs Ranger's attention. "My name is Rayne.  The half-sister of Cakey and Chica. On Earth, Cakey was 11 years old when I was born."
Cakey tears up, "Rayne? Someone else became an angel?"
"Ello sis."
"Yep. Definitely my sister." Cakey similed and brought her sister into a hug.  "I missed you..."

Let me say 3 things...:
1) I should be asleep because I have a major test tommorrow, but I chose to write this.
2) This is kinda another filler chapter and I'm sorry that it's smaller, but it was important.
Well... um... Anyways Cakes,

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