Last Chance

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Chapter 1 - Last Chance



"Dammit Kasey let me in." he growled and yelled. It sounds like he's losing balance with every step. The door knob twisted loudly and furiously. My ragged breathing hyped up a notch, I backed away from the only source of protection in the room, my bedroom door, and ran to my window opening it wide. Once it was open to the point where I could fit, I crawled under my bed leaving the window.

"Kasey!" His fists slammed against the wooden door over and over. My tears spilled over my cheeks onto the floor. What had I done to deserve this? It wasn't my fault my mother passed from cancer yet he takes it out on me. A few more slams then I heard the hinges break off, the sound of metal clinking to the floor.

His flat footed boots stepped into my room stopping right beside my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to hold my breath. The leather squeaked against the ground as he began to walk towards the window. He stopped right in front of the window and sighed heavily. His boots faded as he left my room pausing by my bed once more before leaving. The front door slammed shut, the lock clicked. The engine of his old rusted Chevy pick up backed out of the drive way and down the street, leaving behind eerie silence.

Silently I crawled from under my recent hiding spot shaking with fear. That's it. I can't stay here anymore. I checked the window seeing no sign of my bastard of a father and quickly went to my closet to start packing. Anywhere would be better than here in this hellhole.

Anger boiled in my veins. My hands shake from everything I'm feeling. Hurt, broken, abused, angry, tired but most importantly, alone. I threw all my sweaters and jackets into the suitcase. Jean, sweats, shorts and leggings in case it's warm wherever I go. Socks, all my shoes I can fit, my one pair of heels I wore to winter formal last year that my mother gave to me and all my memories I could carry.

That heart wrenching feeling rose inside me, I'm so sorry mama..

I wiped my useless tears and continued packing. The other suitcase was smaller, for all my jewelry, feminine care items and the locket my mother gave me before she died.

Where am I suppose to go from here? I've never been out of the country. "Oh!" I gasped out loud and ran to my backpack. I took out my binder that had my passport all the way in the back and packed it as well.

I glanced around my room one last time feeling the urge to cry again. But I held my tongue feeling the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I grabbed my suitcases and walked downstairs. Father won't be back until morning anyway so It's best too leave now.

The midnight chilly air made me shiver, despite my mood and sore jawbone, I smiled. First I'll stop at my only friend Cindy' house to tell her I'm leaving then, I'm off. I took the first few steps down my street and took a deep breath. I turned back to my once loving home and then continued walking.

Goodbye home.

I finally reached her house with much effort since I'm pulling along two suitcases with me instead of just some over night closes and my toothbrush. Her bedroom window had light so she was till awake. I didn't have a phone so usually I threw stones at her window until she looked.

She moved the curtains and spotted me on the sidewalk then gasped. Not long after she opened the front door and ran to me grabbing my things. "Kasey are you alright?" No. "Yes I'm okay Cindy. Just a little tired."

She led me into her house closing the door behind me then headed upstairs to her room. "You can take the right side of the bed and I'll take the left. Max took the blow up mattress with him when he left yesterday to go camping with his girlfriend."

I nodded and took off my leather coat, dropping it on the floor beside the bed. "Thank you Cindy but this is the last time I'll be able to see you." My voice cracked towards the end. Cindy frowned, "You can just stay with me until my parents get back from their trip." She offered.

"I'm sorry Cindy but I don't want to be a burden. Your parents already have you and Max. Plus it wouldn't be right to add to all that. I don't even have a job yet so I wouldn't be able to pay them back for food, and all that."

"Where else are you going to go Kasey?" Cindy's hands were on her hips as she stared at me. I'm really going to miss when she does that.

I sighed, "I don't know yet but I was thinking California." Her eyes grew wide as saucers.

"California?" Here it comes.. "How are you going to get there? Who's going with you?" She demanded. I shrugged stiffly, "No one is. My mom's dead remember?"

"You can't just up and leave Kasey! What about school?"

"I'll get a tutor when I get there to help me catch up until I get everything."

Cindy rubbed the bridge of her nose with her two fingers. "Kasey. You can't go all the way from New York to California by yourself and expect someone not to try and kidnap you or even harm you!" she threw her hands up in exasperation.

"Look Cindy I'll find a way okay? I always do don't I?" Silence.

Cindy sighed, "Alright just get some sleep and in the morning we can figure something out." she wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug. "Thank you for everything Cindy." I murmured against her hair. "Of course Kasey that's what friends are for."

We pulled away and got into her queen sized bed. The striped pattern of covers pulled all the way up to our necks. We fell asleep that way, Cindy snoring silently and me, dreaming of how the hell I'm going to get to California by myself.


This is my first ever story on abuse and stuff with teens, It's kind of sad to know people go through this every day. My heart goes out to those of you who put up with abusive parents and still manage a smile. If I ever met you, I would take you in no matter what my parents say no doubt. I kinda shed a few tears writing this I mean what would it be like without my mom? :( cancer is taking lives everyday but I pray we find a cure within the next few years or at least decade. Sorry for this babble but I just had to get this out my mind while I'm writing this chapter. Anyway song of the chapter is When It Rains by Paramore and Kasey plays as Selena Gomez. I'll post Cindy next. Bye guys

And if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here. I promise. <3

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