Luck has it

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"Sometimes you need to runaway just to see who will come after you." - Anonymous

[Chapter 2, part 2]


Jake's P.O.V

"Okay. Great so she should be here by tonight right? Yeah her room is already set up at my place. Uh huh okay talk to you soon, bye Cindy." Milly put her phone back in her pocket.

"Who was that? And why are you smiling like the world just gave you the best sex ever?" I joked. Milly threw a punch at my arm which didn't hurt, being a werewolf and all.

"You should do kickboxing or something because you hit like a girl." Paul cackled. Milly turned to him with the evil eye, oh shit.

"Kidding. You get more and more beautiful every time I see you, you know that?" He laughed nervously.

Paul is so sad. He always tries to acts tough, has a crush on one of my neighbors and she's way older than him, and he has a temper. No wonder he can't keep a girlfriend.

Milly didn't look the least bit amused. "Yes. I get told by guys everyday. What about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Any girls tell you how handsome you are?"


"I wonder why." Seth out of nowhere spit out his Gatorade and continuously choked while trying to laugh with his eyes squeezed shut the whole time. He looks like one of those cartoon characters like that.

"Anyways. So we will have a new neighbor well you guys will, she'll be my roommate. She used to vacation here all the time but now she's staying for a while. "

There's something about the way she talks about this girl.. Milly's face turned to a deep frown, she was biting her nails too.

"What's her name?" If it's Bella, or anything close.. Speaking of Bella , she said she would call me back if she was going to come by tonight or not.

"Her name is Kasey. " Kasey.. I've heard that name before. "The same Kasey that used to play with you guys. She looks different now, and she's been through a lot so nothing rude. Paul."

He looked slightly offended but shook it off, "Whatever. If she's cool then you shouldn't have to worry about it." He waved his hands dismissively and turned back to the TV already forgetting about the conversation.

I wonder what he means by been through a lot. From what I remember is just us hanging out in the forest with my dad and the other kids from the pack.

Milly seemed distant now too, occasionally glancing out the window since she got that phone call.

An hour later Milly was leaving. She stopped beside me for a second, "Jacob can I talk to you outside for a minute?"


We walked a little ways from the house though I'm pretty sure most of the pack could still hear our conversation.

"What's up?"

"I just.. I don't know. Kasey has had a hard life since she left, I don't want anyone to bring up anything that may cause her any more hurt. I know you understand, you lost a parent too Jake. " I couldn't figure out where this was going but I didn't say anything yet.

"Her mother died a year after they moved away. Not only that but.. she's..been getting abused by her father ever since. " her words came out a little hushed, her scarlet brown eyes looking so sad into my own. Kasey getting beaten? Why would her father do that to his own daughter?

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