Twenty Eight- I Just Wanna Be Yours

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"You know Dav, one day when the lads and I make it big, I'm gonna take you to France."

I looked up from my notebook and gave Alex a look.  "Shut up."

"Really," he said, springing up from the couch opposite from me.  "I'm going to to take you all across Europe.  Germany, Italy, Scotland... you say the word, and we'll go."

I laughed at his random outburst, unable to help myself.  We were hanging out back stage before their show, and I wasn't exactly sure what had prompted his sudden desire to take me across Europe. It was probably the beer in his hand.  But then again, I wasn't complaining.  I saw Alex less and less these days, with his crazy schedule, and I cherished the few hours a week we got to spend together.  And a trip around Europe with him sounded like a good fucking time.  

"Or maybe one day, when you become a best seller," he said, nodding toward my notebook. "You'll take me around Europe."

"I guess we'll have to see if I put up with you that long, yeah?"

He narrowed his eyes, plopping down next to me.  He slung an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.  I couldn't help but blush like an idiot, as if he hadn't done that exact same gesture a million and one times before.  

"Why don't you two date already?" A voice from across the room said.   We both looked up at the source of the voice, Alex's girl of the moment, Amy.  She was always saying shite like that, playfully asking us when we'd get together, but I could definitely sense the underlying bitterness and jealousy in her tone.  

Alex pulled himself away from me and went back to her, the way he always did when she made a comment.  I didn't mind, though.  I didn't give them more than a month before she moved onto some other band guy and broke Alex's heart.  It's what girls like her always did.  

And of course, like always, I would be the one to clean up the mess.

So I went back to scribbling in my notebook.  I was writing a story, one that I'd been working on for weeks.  I couldn't help but think what would happen if I had the balls that my main character had.

If I were like her, I would have walked right over to Alex and pushed that slag Amy away.  I would have sat myself down in his lap and kissed him like he'd never been kissed in his whole life.

If I were like her, Alex might have even loved me back.

But I wasn't like her, and my heart was always caught in my throat, so I kept my eyes down on my notebook, promising myself that someday I would be like her.  Someday, I would do what I've always wanted to do.  

Someday, Alex Turner would know the truth.

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