Thirty Five- But I Crumble Completely When You Cry

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I was giddy for the rest of the day, waiting and waiting for the sun to fall behind the horizon so that I could be alone with Alex again.  It was stupid, I know, but I couldn't help it.  I'd only been waiting pretty much my entire life to kiss Alex Turner.  And now that he was pretty much fair game... why not?

We spent the entire day setting stuff up for the wedding.  The Maddies and I were put on altar duty, and I have to say it didn't look half bad when we were done.  We were all exhausted by the end of the day, though, and the moment Estella announced we were done for the day I almost hugged her.


"You mind coming to my room tonight, Emilia?" she said to me as we were heading back toward the mansion.  The sun was almost completely gone, lighting the vineyard in a romantic glow. "I have some wedding decoration stuff I want to go over with you."

I looked to Alex, who already had his eyes planted on me.

"Sure," I said.  "But I gotta help Al with something first."

"That's no problem," she smiled.  "Whenever is fine."

We all made our way back to the mansion, and Alex and I fell behind the group.  They all headed into the kitchen for drinks when we arrived, but Alex took my hand and led me toward the staircase.

"Wait here," he said, looking around to make sure no one was close.  "I gotta get something."

He jogged upstairs, returning a few moments later with his guitar case.

I raised my eyebrow at it.

"The song I wrote for you," he said.  "I promised I'd play it.  And I might as well get it over with now."

The entire walk to my little house was spent listening to Alex fumble around trying to explain the song.  It was just him messing around, he promised.  It was just a silly song that didn't mean anything.

"Sometimes, Al," I said to him, slightly aggravated.  "Your humbleness is annoying."

He smiled a bit coyly, pulling the door open for me.  I plopped down onto my bed and he sat next to me, removing his acoustic from the case.  He was so close that the neck of the guitar went across my chest and his arm brushed me as he played around with the strings.

"The lyrics are pretty bad," Alex said, still messing with the strings.  "And I know you probably won't like it and-"

"Shut up," I told him.  "Just play the song, you git."

He paused to look at me for a moment before taking a deep breath.  I almost thought he was about to shoot out another excuse, but he instead he began strumming.

The chords were simple and beautiful, and I was already in love with the song before he even began to sing.

"Do you still feel younger than you thought you would by now?  Or darlin' have you started feeling old yet?  Don't worry I'm sure that you're still breaking hearts with the efficiency that only youth can harness."

"Hardly," I laughed.  I was just me.  I couldn't break anyone's heart even if I tried.

The corner of his mouth lifted, but then dropped as fast as my heart did at the next lines.

"Do you still think love is a laserquest?  Or do you take it all more seriously?  I've tried to ask you this in some daydreams, but you're always busy being make-believe."

It was my favorite song already.  I knew that pretty much anything else I'd ever hear wouldn't be able to touch this song, and he was only just beginning.

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