Forty One- Uninvited

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"I said speed, Elliot, SPEED!"

We were already flying down the highway, but it wasn't fast enough.  I checked my phone again.


"If he goes any faster we're going to be transported into another dimension," Matt said from the backseat, but it was obvious he was just as worried about the time as I was.

Another look at my phone.  10:46.

The blue lights that lit up Heathrow came into view.  We were close.

But not close enough.

"Elliot," I said.  "Step on it."

"I can't exactly go much faster, Em," he said.  

My fists were clenched and my fingernails were digging into my palms.  I was sweating and my heart was beating into my throat.

I had to make it.  

It took Elliot five minutes to get to the front gate (a trip that should have taken him ten) and I kissed him on the cheek before flying out of the car as fast as I could.

"Em!  Passport!"

I ran back to the car and took the passport from his outstretched hand, realizing with overwhelming relief that forgetting that would have prevented me from getting to Alex.  It was a miracle Elliot had even thought to grab it.  But I think he knew that I would be going to the airport the moment I called.  Best friends just know.

"Now go fuck up that wedding!" Matt hollered from the backseat.  I laughed, despite the crippling fear I had that I wasn't going to make it.

But I had to make it.

I took off running again and barged through the doors.  Luke had texted me the gate, thank god, and so I sprinted as fast as I could toward it.  Security let me pass easily without any luggage, though I'm sure I looked like an absolute fucking lunatic.

I checked my phone and I pushed and shoved around people, frantically trying to find my gate.



I finally spotted it and picked up my speed.  There was a cluster of people standing near the boarding entrance that I nearly crashed into as I came to a stop.  I was breathing hard and sweating and looking around for Luke's sound guy.  How was I supposed to know who he was?  

"Um.  I'm guessing you're Emilia?"

I turned to see a big man standing behind me, looking down at me with an expression I couldn't read.

"Yeah," I said breathlessly.  "That's me."

"I think this belongs to you."  

He held out a single ticket and suddenly I felt like all the weight in the world had been lifted off my shoulders.

I'd made it.

I took the ticket and immediately pulled him in for a hug.  It was probably weird considering this guy was a complete stranger, but I couldn't help it.  I was so overcome with emotion that I had to take it out on somebody.

I pulled back and took off toward the entrance, thanking him a million times over.  

"Don't worry about it," he said, smiling.  "I'll catch the next flight.  Good luck."

I thanked him again.  I was definitley going to need it.

I was the only person on the plane without luggage, and thankfully I got a window seat.  I was jittery while we waited for takeoff, checking my phone every five seconds for any signs of life from Alex.

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