Chapter Fifty Eight

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Soon enough it was Thursday. Yazz and I got up early to decide in which mall we would go to buy a dress for me. I needed a beautiful chic dress. I needed to look good on Saturday.

"We can still go to central mall." Yazz proposed.

"Are you kidding me?? I heard many other girls plan for central mall. I wouldn't want to end up having the same dress as another that day. Yasmin I need something unique. So all those common malls, are out of my list."

"Hm, you're right. Lemme get your laptop. Let's see if we can get something really chic online." she said and stood up to go get the laptop.

Never had I been so stressed. My mom was out. I stressed because I needed something really unique and out of common.

I was still contemplating when there was a knock at the door. I went to it and opened.
My eyes almost dropped out of their sockets.

"LUCAS!" I screamed happily.

"Yup. As physical as ever." he replied with a bright smile, spread his arms. I wasted no time! I jumped  on him and hugged him tight.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you! What are you doing here??"

He chuckled. I'd missed that chuckle and smile. I had him in front of me again after two years!

"I came to see you."

"Oh, I'm so happy! But what about the wedding??"

"How bout you let me in first?" he chuckled and put me down.

"Oh, of course!"

I moved aside and he walked in with his bag.

"Nice apartment." he said, sitting on the couch.

"Thank you. You've changed!" I said happily, sitting close to him.

"You think??"

"Yeah! You've grown taller than you already were two years ago and these arms." I held his arm, "Seem to be bigger." I cooed and he laughed.

"You're crazy."

"Hahaha no, I'm serious! Your voice too is deeper. Oh Lulu, what happened to you??" I giggled.

"I'm as lost as you." he laughed, "But I have to admit that I've been working out lately too."

I widened my eyes playfully at him.

"Hm, and why?"

He laughed.

"To maintain a good size. You're not the only one with good news you know. I was called last week. So I'm officially a professional top model."

My mouth dropped open.

"Aaaaah! Why didn't you tell me that last week?!"

"Wanted to say it face to face."

"You knew you would come here??"

"Yup. As for my aunt's marriage. I told her about not being able to attend her wedding and the reason why. She was understanding and so I decided to make it a surprise for you."

I couldn't help it but smile like a fool. He smiled back and raised a hand to touch my cheek.

"I missed you." he said.

"I missed you too."

He smiled again.

"So, have you found a dress for Saturday?"

"No. Yazz is probably searching for one online."

"Where is she?"

"In my room."

"Okay. I have to admit I'm happy you haven't bought one yet." he said, opening his bag.


Lucas took a fancy box from his bag and handed it over to me. I took it. It was signed 'Vera Wong'. My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened.

"Oh my God! Don't tell me it's what I think it is." I whispered and he chucked.

"See for yourself."

I quickly took the box's cover off to see a beautiful black Vera Wong dress! I screamed.

"Oh my gawd! Is this original??" I asked happily, standing up and taking the beautiful dress out of the box.

"Do I look like someone who'd buy fake stuff??"

I couldn't believe it.

"Oh my gawd! This must have cost a fortune!"

"You deserve it."

"Aaaaah! Thank you!" I fell on him and hugged him tight.

At that moment, Yazz came out of the room, running.

"Harlem why are you screa– Lucas??"

I stood up and turned to her

"Hello, Yasmin." Lucas stood up and hugged her. She smiled in surprise

"You made it! And boy have you changed! Your body. Your cute face is intact though." she said and we laughed.

"Girl, see what he bought me." I showed Yazz the dress and she screamed more than me.

"Ooohhh, what?! Vera Wong??" she took the dress from me.

"I know. Now all we have to do is find matching shoes."

Yazz turned to him.

"Are you sure it's her size?"

"I know her body as if I made it. Of course I know her size."

I felt my cheeks burn and I blushed a little.

"Hm, I see. Let's go try it! We'll be right back, Lucas!" Yasmin said as she pulled me into the room.

I tried the dress and it fit perfectly well. Oh my I looked amazing in it.

"Girl, Lucas just spoiled the hell hell out of you. That guy seems to really love you. I don't know how you cope but if I were you, I would've asked him to marry me at once." Yazz joked and I laughed.

"I'm so happy, Yazz."

"I feel ya! Go thank him again while I put this costly beauty away."


I returned to the living room.

"It fit you?" he asked.

"Perfectly well. Thank you so much."

He smiled and stood up to face me.

"You're welcome."

"I'm sorry if you had to spend a crazy amount on it."

"Don't be." he smiled down at me, "When I love, I don't think twice before I do something. I just do it."

Who was I kidding?

"I love you too." the words left my mouth. Lucas stared at me in surprise. He hadn't expected it because I'd never told him I loved him too.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. I love you too."

He smiled down at me and I saw some sort of relief in his expression. Like he'd long waited for me to say that.
He wrapped his arms around me and I did same.

Our lips met soon enough in a sweet kiss. Gosh, I'd missed him and his kisses. Always so gentle and careful. Full of evident love.

We kissed for a long passionate moment. And then broke it.

"Can I call you mine now?" he asked, our foreheads against each other.


"Yes, finally!"

I giggled and we shared one last kiss.

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