Chapter Sixty One (Final)

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Friday passed by without me even realising it! And so did the whole day of Saturday. I stood, nervous and anxious in my room. I'd just finished getting dressed.

I looked good with my Vera Wong dress, perfect make up and hair. I had a beauty transformation specially for that day!

"The limo's here." Lucas announced to all of us. It was already nine PM. Time for the ceremony.

Kadij had hired ubers and limos for all of the postgraduate students. I was so happy.

"Let's go then." my mom said. We were all chicly dressed and ready to impress.

My handsome prince gave me his arm and I held it gladly. We soon left the apartment.

We got into the chic limousine and off we were to Martz Hotel. An expensive five star hotel. The ceremony was to take place in one of its large halls.
We arrived Martz hotel and were welcomed by waiters, a red carpet and some paparazzi. I felt like someone important for the first time in my life.

"Girl, I feel like a star!" Yazz exclaimed and we all laughed.

"But we all are. Common let's go in." Lucas said.


The hotel was one beautiful labyrinth. As big and beautiful as I'd imagined it.

The hall where the ceremony was taking place was a huge one with glass chandeliers hanging almost everywhere.

It was also crowded with expensively dressed and important personalities, along with photographs.

"Name please." the man at the entrance of the hall said.

"Harlem Rahim."

The man checked his list.

"That's right. Table for five right?"


The fifth place was for James who hadn't arrived yet.

"Welcome, miss. Here, your table number."

I got my table number and we were all allowed in. We headed straight for our table.

Once seated, I looked around. Wow.

We were surrounded by people well known in the society. How had Kadij Koon convinced them to buy the amateur work of her students?
Pft! The answer was evident! Because she was Kadij Koon!

After about ten minutes, James arrived and I was very happy to see him again. By the way, it was also thanks to him that I'd reached this level of my life.


The ceremony soon began with Kadij as the main host. She'd worn a beautiful, diamond designed Punjabi. She was very beautiful.

She began speaking about her schools in different parts of the country and out of the country. She spoke of how happy she was and proud of her students.

After a long interesting speech. She announced the buffet and that immediately after that, the artists and their works would be presented. My heart couldn't beat any faster than it already was.

Lucas held my hand, clearly conscious of the fact that I was beginning to freak out.

"Everything's gonna be okay. We're all here for you." he whispered and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for being here with me." I replied, putting my head on his shoulder.

Soon enough, the buffet was ready and we all served ourselves.
We ate and chatted at my table. Everyone was trying to cheer me up and encourage me not to freak out. It was my dream come true.

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