Chapter 6: The ruins of Velen

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The journey back to Velen was awkward to say the least. Obi-Wan had ordered the two clone troopers Cody and Fives escort me, which included a lot of pushing and annoyed mumbling, while he and Anakin stayed behind, whispering amongst themselves.

It was when I looked back for the tenth time when I heard my name that Fives accidently pushed too hard, making me fall to the ground. My leg was still hurting terribly but up till then I had remained quiet about it until that very moment.

"Hey! Be careful!" I yelled in annoyance as I looked up at his face, or rather his helmet, from the ground. I felt the wound on my leg tear open and felt the bandages getting moist with blood.

"Now look at what you've done." I mumbled as I examined it, seeing the red spot growing.

"Are you all right?" I looked to my side and saw Obi-Wan kneeling down next to me.

"I'm going to have to be honest with you so I'll say what I would've said as a doctor." I sighed as I lifted up the bandages. "I shouldn't be moving too much and give it some time to heal. But since you insist on returning immediately with me, I don't think that's going to happen."

"How far is the city?" Obi-Wan looked into the distance, squinting his eyes slightly.

"About 2 hours of walking left."

"Then there's no other choice." He stepped nearer, one of his arms going beneath my knees while the other wrapped around my waist.

"Uuh, what are you doing?" I frantically looked at his arms and scooted away. Without any further explanation or permission Obi-Wan lifted me up suddenly in his arms. Letting out a shriek, for I hated too much physical contact with strangers, I involuntarily wrapped my arms around his neck to try and keep myself from falling.

"I'm carrying you." He smirked at me as he held me in his arms.

"I can see that." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"General, I should be the one to carry her. It was me who made her fall." Fives offered, glancing between the jedi and me.

"No need, Fives, I can take her." Obi-Wan dismissed him and resumed walking towards the city.

"You know, it's considered rude to just lift a princess without her permission." I narrowed my eyes at him as one of my arms remained around his shoulder. "In fact, I could have you executed for it."

"Well, your majesty, would you like me to hand you over to Anakin?" My eyes flickered to the other jedi who was watching us with a smirk playing on his lips. "I'm sure he would treat you for the princess you are."

"No thank you." I swallowed rather loudly as I tightened my grip around his arm. "I'm fine right here."


When we arrived at the main gate of the city, Obi-Wan put me down after I had requested it. I refused to be carried into my own city by my captors. Either way, my breath was taken away when the sight of the city came into view.

Not in a positive way.

There was a cloud of smoke hanging over the buildings and lots of rubble covered the former clean, beautiful streets of Velen. We walked over the main road towards the keep while the two jedi cautiously watched me closely.

My heart was beating quickly and my eyes darted between the buildings and the rubble, hoping to see no one there. The city seemed completely abandoned except for several groups of troopers patrolling the city. It was when we reached the main square that my breath hitched on my throat.

"Flyn!" I yelled loudly, breaking free of the hold two troopers had on my upper arms. I stormed towards his body and knelt down before him, my fingers instinctively trying to find his pulse by pressing against the inside of his wrists. While trying to find the reassuring thumping his heart, I looked up at his face. His dark brown hair laid before his eyes and his armor was broken. He was one of my brother's warriors, one of the most skilled of our whole planet.

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