Chapter 22: Arthas Blackwing

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"My lord! They're almost through the gate!" I heard one of my uncle's men yelling at him from afar. The heavy rain that was falling down was clouding my vision, and the darkness of the night made it impossible to see where he was standing. The sounds of battle made it even more impossible to assass the situation we were soon going to be joining.

Obi-Wan, Anakin, some of my troops and myself were hidden in the dense forest just south of the old Blackwing castle, called Borovia which was surrounded by menacing cliffs. The castle itself was a ruin with just a few of its main walls left standing. The Blackwings had held this castle for more than a thousand years until Arthas decided to rebel against the Stormrages, which on itself resulted in a Civil War. This site was where Arthas himself killed his own family and became the man people knew him as now.
Of course, my uncle had chosen this site to revive our main and possibly most dangerous enemy. The ruins made the situation even more scarier, among the blood that was already being wasted at the front gates.

As discussed before, my brother was leading the main assault from the south, while the jedi and I were waiting to assasinate my own uncle. We just had to wait for the right opportunity. Which was difficult to assess, since the darkness and heavy storm was making it impossible for us to see what was even going on out front.

My uncle was visible though. The blue light the crystal emitted casted eerie shadows on his face, making him look like a ghost. His gaze mostly remained on the crystal which was already dramatically depleted. One of Arthas's hands was sticking out of the ice, already turning pink. His eyes were glowing a dark red and seemed to become more alive with every inch of the ice melting.

"It doesn't matter." Derik grinned. "He's almost out, and when he is, they don't stand a chance." He turned towards his man, laying a hand on his shoulder. 'Go and fight, boy. Or else he might not deem you worthy of his leadership.'

The man swallowed nervously and quickly ran back towards the raging battlefield. My uncle though turned back towards the crystal and traced every line of it with his fingers delicately.

'When I first saw him I thought he was mad.' Anakin mumbled, making Obi-Wan and me turn to look at him from our position on the ground. We were all shivering violently as the rain was pooring down on our cold bodies. The wind was raging through our hair and clothes, the cold biting at our almost frozen skin. 'Now I'm sure.' He chuckled, peering over the large chuck of stone we were hiding behind.

'He's not mad he's just...' I sighed, my eyes remaining on my uncle. I could feel Obi-Wan's sympatic gaze on the side of my face, his hand placing on my shoulder to try and make this situation less uncomfortable. 'He's lost his way.' I concluded, placing one of the rebellious strands of my hair back in the braid I had made. I sat up, walking away from our position and towards my troops.

'Lyanna, wait.' Obi-Wan pulled me back by grasping my arm. 'Maybe you should sit this one out. It's your uncle we're going to be fighting.' His eyes pleaded me to stay, it seemed.

'That's exactly why I should be going, jedi.' I retorted, pulling my arm out of his grasp. My harsh words seemd to wound him as he flinched back slightly, especially after the sharpness of my voice. I turned towards my troops, ignoring the uneasy feeling in my stomach. 'You know your mission, and you know how to do it. No matter the consequences you need to secure Arthas and make sure he doesn't get out. There are several of his troops surrounding his cage, they may have been your brothers but they're your enemies now. Do not hesitate to kill them, for they will not hesitate to kill you. The jedi and I will take care of Derik Stormrage.'

They all nodded and shifted on their feet, mentally preparing themselves for the fight to come.

'Aidan?' I turned on my commlink as the jedi were wathcing me expectantly. My eyes met Obi-Wans as we both waited in anticipation. 'I don't think there's gonna be a better timing than this, can we proceed?'

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