Chapter 47: We Shall Rise

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"Everything in order?" Stefan walked up to the two jedi as they conversed in front of their ship. The engines were warming up as the last few supplies were loaded onto the ship. They both turned around to face him, smiling kindly when they saw the commander together with his husband. He bit his lip as he let his eyes roam over the gigantic metal vehicle that had landed that morning, reminding him of the first few days of the war. The republic symbol above all caught his eye, a reminder that Valeria wasn't the only planet after all.

"Yes, we've set our course for Coruscant. We'll be leaving in a few minutes." Anakin answered.

"Good." Stefan nodded, glancing down at the ground as he tried to collect his thoughts. Finn noticed his distress, placing his hand on his shoulder and squeezing it gently. It somehow seemed to wake Stefan from his trance, looking up at Obi-Wan once again. "I regret to tell you the king won't be here for your departure. He's... He's with her."

"I understand." Obi-Wan nodded as he folded his arms before his chest covered by his thick, brown cloak. He scanned Stefan's face, seeing his red, puffed eyes and the unkept beard that now covered his jaw. The commander had probably heard about Lyanna's fate that morning.

"So instead, I'll be the one to present you with this gift." Stefan sighed as he retrieved two packed items from the satchel that was hanging on his hips, handing it over to the two jedi. "A token of our gratitude." He watched as they unwrapped the packages, their brows furrowing when it revealed to be a tiny glass canister containing a small orb that shone brightly. "Normally we'd be granting you a grand feast and a medal of honour but given the circumstances I'm afraid this is all we can do for now."

"It's... an echo?" Obi-Wan mumbled as he twisted the canister around between his fingers. The echo changed colour the moment it sensed Obi-Wan's presence, soon glowing a bright cyan. He then glanced up at the commander again, utterly dumbfounded by the valuableness of the gift. Obi-Wan knew the importance of an echo, the years and years of lineage that it resembled. Above all, the echo contained power that was beyond their control. "Commander, I can't accept this."

"No, please, keep it." Stefan quickly put his hands up. "Its family is long gone. To us, it's nothing more than a reminder of our years of violence but to you I hope it's a reminder of how many of our families you saved from the same fate." He explained, his eyes softening. "And, of course, you may use it to prove to your council that they aren't the only force users in the galaxy."

Stefan remained silent for a while, his mind stuck on everything going on out there, in the galaxy, that they'd shut themselves off from a long time ago. "You'll always have a place here, in Valeria, if you ever need it. We owe you a great debt, jedi. I'm afraid we can't make up for half of it. All I can tell you is that we're eternally grateful for all you've done for us." Stefan's voice broke as he continued. "She would've been eternally grateful, had she... had she still been here."

"Thank you, commander." Anakin smiled as he stuffed the echo into his pockets, extending his arm for him to shake. Stefan took it after some time collecting his emotions, mustering up a smile as he said his goodbyes to Anakin. "It was our pleasure."

"Next time, try not to blow up half a city before realizing you're attacking the wrong people." Stefan conjured a smile successfully, patting Anakin's shoulder as he chuckled at his remark.

"I'm afraid I can't make any promises but I'll do my best." Anakin smirked before turning towards the ship and entering it, conversing with Rex who'd been waiting for them. "Goodbye, commander." He wove before disappearing into the ship together with his captain.

"Same counts for you, master Kenobi." Stefan whispered as he watched the jedi still looking at the echo in his hand. He'd woven away his husband with a small whisper and a kiss to his hand, watching as he walked away towards some of the troopers still conversing on the platform. Then he turned to look at the master, the way he suspiciously eyed the echo as if it was an evil object.

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