Chapter 19.

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  • Dedicated to E.L. James

"Mum!" I shouted to her. "Harry's here. I'm gonna go!". She screamed back an 'okay'. "I'll be back tomorrow, I haven't forgot about Grandpa and Grandma tomorrow!". It was Friday, and my grandparents were visiting the next day. I was going to a club with Harry, so I had promised my mum not to drink too much, so I wouldn't have a massive hangover. I put on my leather jacket, where my makeup and phone was in.

"You look great," Harry complimented me and gave me a peck on the lips, as I buckled up. "We're just gonna drive to my place, and then we'll just walk there,". I nodded. "It's just a minute away.". We got to his flat, then we parked the car and walked to the club. 

Harry's eyes scanned over me again, stopping at my cleavage. My dress had a leopard print and was very low-cut. I was hoping he'd like it, and the fact that he did made me really glad.

We got in easily, as he knew the guy in the door. Inside we were instantly greeted by Harry's friends, to which I was introduced as his girlfriend. I still felt all giddy when he called me that. I recognised Scott, the guy who I met a long time ago.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, miss," Scott charmed, kissing my hand again, making me giggle. "You look beautiful.". I could feel Harry's glare on us, and I shifted a bit away from Scott.

We went over to the bar, where I got a mojito, and then we went over to some couches, where we sat and chatted. One of the girls there, Valerie, was very nice, and the two of us had fun, then we excused ourselves to the ladies' room. The line was thankfully not that long. We stood and freshened up at the sinks, when I decided to ask her something.

There was something that I'd wondered. "Valerie, have you ever slept with Harry?". She seemed pretty baffled at first.

"Yeah, a long time ago," she replied honestly, and I gave her a nod. "I'm sorry to say this, Selena, but most of the girls in our friend group have slept with him,". I already kinda knew that. "I mean, Scott even sucked him off. They were drunk, though.". That I didn't know.

"Are you serious?" I laughed loudly. "Scott sucked Harry off? Oh my god!". We both broke into laughter, and then we strolled out to the others. Sitting down next to my boyfriend, I rested my hand in his thigh. "You know what Valerie told me?". I leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Scott gave you a blowjob,". I could see how startled he was. "Are you a little gay, sweetie?".

Harry shook his head. "No, I'm not. We were really drunk and horny, and we hadn't pulled, so...". I chuckled teasingly before returning to my drink, and a giggle escaped Valerie's mouth, as it became clear to her what I had told him. I mouthed a 'thank you' to her.

We all continued to drink and talk for an hour, before Harry pulled me away, leading me to a sorta behind-the-bar area, which seemed okay with the people who worked there. He must have known them. He pushed me into a restroom and locked the door.

I looked up at him. "What's this about?". He lifted me up on the sink.

"I want you to know that I'm not bi or something like that," he began ranting. "Not that there's anything wrong with being bi, but I'm not. I was just drunk and stupid,". I leaned back against the mirror behind the sink. "I mean, everyone does something a little gay in their lives. You and one of the girls surely have.".

"Not that much," I responded honestly. "I've kissed them all as dares, but I've made out with Maddie... drunkenly,". It obviously turned him on to hear that. "And there was some touching, but that's all,". His hands started running up and down my thighs, rubbing the inner of them. My dress crinkled as he pushed it up. Small kisses were left on my neck, while the dress travelled further up my thighs. "Aren't they gonna notice that we're away?". Harry discarded of my panties, throwing them to the floor. Luckily this bathroom was cleaner than the other, and I didn't really mind getting fucked on the sink. A finger slid up my slit, pressing slightly into my sex.

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