A Year Later

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Nashi POV~
It's been a year since the incident with that stupid little gem and everything has been going great. Kai and Sylvia are together, Luna and Gale are going strong, Nova and Rin finally made their relationship known, Luke admitted his feelings to Rosemary and they're together and even though me and Storm still fight like our parents we're still together and strong. Oh and also...my Mom was PREGNANT!!

Turns out all those pains and morning sickness was the signs that she was pregnant and she has given birth to a happy baby girl named Michelle Heartfilia Dragneel. She's about a month old now with beautiful short blonde hair with a dash of pink.

Me and Luke made a bet, I bet it was a girl and Luke bet it was a boy, I won Luke haha kiss it.

Me and Sotrm were sitting at a table just talking when my dad and his started fighting.

"I told you not to touch that idiot!!" Yelled Gray.

"Since when do I listen to you ice box!!!" My dad yelled back.

"Get him dad!!" Me and Storm yelled at the same time.

"What?!" We both yelled again.

We got up out of our seats and butted heads like our parents.

"What do you think your saying pyro!!" He yelled in my face.

"I was about to ask you the same thing ice princess!!" I shout back.

We start a whole guild fight until everything is pretty much destroyed the only one who wasn't part of the fight was Luna.

Luna POV~
I sat at the bar talking to mom occasionally dodging a chair or a table.

"So how have things been with Gale dear?" Asks mom.

"Pretty good, for always fighting and acting all tough, he's actually pretty sweet" I feel myself blush.

"That's wonderful Luna, I actually have ship names for all of you" she says wiping a glass as a table whizzes past her head.

"Really? What are they? I haven't had time to think of any yet" I say eager to know.

"Nashi and Storm Stashi, Luke and Rosemary LukeMary, Kai and Sylvia KaiVia, Nova and Rin RiNova and you and Gale GaLuna" she says naming everyone of our ship names.

"Wow that's pretty good mom" I compliment sipping my water.

"Thanks hun" she says.

Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by a baby crying.

"WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" came Michelle's little cry.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and let Lucy try and calm down Michelle to get her back to sleep. Lucy gave Natsu and Gray a death stare for starting all of it and they quickly apologised.

"Well since she's not going back to sleep for a while I'll just take her home, c'mon Natsu this is your fault after all" says Lucy pulling Natsu by his ear.

Gray and Storm laughed as Natsu was being dragged away, earning a punch in the head from Nashi.

"Hey Lu" came Gales smooth voice. Lu is his nickname for me and I kinda like it.

"Hey Gale, enjoy your little sparring match?" I ask as he sits next to me, his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, it was fun" he says breathing on my neck.

"Stop breathing on me Gale it tickles" I giggle.

"Oh yeah?" He breathes on my collarbone making me jump.

He spins me around on my chair and plants a firm kiss on my lips. My arms loop around his neck pulling him closer.

"Hey, I may have given you permission to date her but don't get carried away infront of me, you too Luna, knock it off" came my dad's voice from above

"Dad!" I whine crossing my arms over my chest.

"Too late for that pops, she's mine and I'm giving her all the love and attention she deserves" says Gale pulling my back to his front.

My mom has hearts in her eyes and is practically drooling over the scene infront of her.

"Mom stop staring at us it's creepy"

"But you two are so cute together!" She coos.

"C'mon Gale" I take his hand and pull him out of the guild.

Nashi POV~
I continue fighting Storm until Kai eventually pulls us apart yelling that he has a constant headache from us always fighting.

After about 15 minutes we're just sitting there talking about random stuff like if fairies actually do have tails.

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