Luna & Gale Vs Ura

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Gale POV~
Luna and I eyed up the guy who just stood there, leaning against the wall, looking bored. "Hey! Ya gonna do anything or are we gonna hafta make ya?!" He simply gave me a bored look which irritated me. "Gale, if he's not gonna do anything then lets just go meet up with the others! There's no point in wasting time here" says Luna making for the exit. Just as she was about to pass him, he put his hand on her shoulder. He better watch where he puts his hands or I'll hammer his head to the wall. The next thing I know, Luna is thrown back towards me and she slams into the wall. "Luna! Ya okay?!" She winces when I touch the shoulder he grabbed before passing out. I gently slide her shirt down to expose her shoulder, and there ruining her perfect flesh, a hand shaped bruise. Furious was beyond what I was feeling right now, he hurt my girlfriend and he was gonna pay.

I stood slowly, the anger boiling within me felt like it was melt my skin. "You bastard! You're gonna pay!" I raged at him, turning my fist into a sword "Iron Dragon Sword!" I swung my sword at him, aiming for his neck. He simply moved his head and my sword cut into the wall, bits of debris flying everywhere. "You're so predictable" he says bluntly, but I'm not giving up. "Iron Dragon Club!" I tried to hit him but it didn't work he dodged everything like it was nothing. "Iron Dragon Roar!" Man this guys annoying, I kept trying and trying and trying but nothing was hitting him, Luna was still unconcious and I was almost out of magic power.

"Damn! Just who are you anyway?!" I ask panting for breath. He still looks bored. Man this guy is a pain in the ass. "My name is Ura Galaxy" well thats a name I didn't expect,  all bad guys usually have some twisted backstory associated with their name, but not this guy, he had to be normal. "And I think it's about time I showed you my magic" what?! I thought his magic was like future vision or something, coz he could predict all of my moves. "Dead Star: Hammer!" A huge hammer forms out of black coulds with what looks like stars in them. He swings it at me at loghtning speed but I dodge. Barely. I fly across the room before landing by Luna, whose still passed out. I've gotta protect her, if anything happened to her I couldn't live with myself. And I'd become a human lightning rod to her dad😓. "Dead Star: Staff!" He creates a staff out of the black clouds and starts swinging with master skill. I grab Luna and dodge as best I can.

Ura POV~
Stupid kid. He's fast I'll give him that, but nobody has ever survived my dead star magic. It's the magic of literal dead fallen stars. It is said to have been created to kill the moon goddess, Athéa, when she caused a human to fall for her, but during those times it was forbidden for the immortal to marry, or have anything to do with the mortal. He was furious and took all his anger out on the one he so-called 'loved' and created the magic when one of her stars fell to earth. Whatever, that's days of old, I just have to get rid of this kid, ressurect Zeref, and I can have my wish.

As he was dodging my staff attack I noticed his little girlfriend whisper something to him, then kiss him. Gag. "If you're done being horny teenagers over there, I'd like to finish killing you" I said staring then down. They parted and I suddenly saw the blue haired kid chewing something. Did he bite off her tongue?. I suddenly felt his magic power raise significantly. But he should be drained?! How?! The girl was suddwnly surrounded by this black-ish, purple-ish smoke. Once the smoke dissipated there was no longer a girl, but instead stood the form of..........I honestly don't know what that is. She had fiery horns on ger head, elegant white wings, claws for hands, the top half of ger dress was beautiful but the bottom half was torn and shredded, she had a tail that whent just below her knees, her legs were paws and half covered in fur, and her eyes were bright gold and black as night. She looks like a cross between a demon and and angel, an Amon?? Either way she created a ball of black and gold magic between her hands and it slowly started to grow. Not on my watch. I went to stop her but was stopped by her dopey boyfriend. "Iron Dragon Scales!" His entire body changed to iron, but it wouldnt last, I would shatter his iron shield. "Dead Star: Bullet Barrage!" Two magic circles appeared at the ends of my hands, shootin dozens of golden buklet like lights. But they just bounced off him like it was nothing. "Dead Star: Rainfall!" Large orbs of light shot down from the ceiling, but he just dodged like it was nothing.

He made the mistake of jumoing towards me, to which I grabbed him by hiz collar and hoisted him into the air "i've got you! You're done!" He just smirked and said "I dont think so pal!" He kicked me in the chest to make me drop him and yelled "Luna! Now!" Within an instant she shot that laser like light at me but I was quick enough to put up my defense "Dead Star: Dome!" The blasr was strong but couldnt break my defense no matter how she tried. But then I made a mistake, I forgot about her damn boyfriend. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Karma Demon! Iron Spiral!" His legs formed into a drill like thing and pierced my defense so his brat girlfriend blasted me with her spell, and darkness was all I could see.

Luna POV~
"We did it!" I exclaimed happily. Gale swept ne up in his arms and planted kissess all over my face. "Gale that's enough! We have to go meet up with our friends!" I giggled. "No, they have their fights. I wanna be with just you for a little bit" that made me blush and lifted my heart. I knew he was romantic, but I didn't expect him to say no to a fight for me. "Besides, I'm completely out of energy"...and here I thought he just wanted some alone time with me! Jackass................but he's my jackass.

This. Is. So. Shite. Im sorry. Please forgive this useless author. If any of you are from britain like me, I'm sorry I'm posting this so late at night. (Britain time 11:51pm).

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