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Hunter POV~
I watched as the little fairies found the door to my lair and welcomed themselves. "So, the little fairies have come all this way to get their friends back. Well let's send them a welcoming party" I ushered Aya and Mar over and let them see we have visitors. "Please give them a warm welcome, and don't waste time".

"Sure thing boss, c'mon Mar-Mar" Aya pulled Mar out by his arm. He's normally cold and rude to everyone else, but he's like a guardian to Aya. Their guild marks are even in the same place and colour. On their left collarbones in black.

Nashi POV~
Team Nashi and Shi cautiously made our way down a creepy looking corridor. The only thing lighting the way were torches on the corridor walls. "Be on guard everyone, we have no clue what might be down here" says Rose, her eyes scanning the dimly lit corridor.

We walked maybe 10 steps then great winds past us, extinguishing the flames keeping the corridor lit. I set my hand ablaze so everyone could see, we heard laughter that seemed to echo around us. "Who's there?!" Called Kai into the darkness around us. We heard what sounded like a childs giggle before two people walked out of the darkness. "How rude, we only came here to greet you guys" said a girl with purple pig tails.

She stood next to a guy with hazel hair and eyes. He glared coldly at us, like we had commited a personal crime. "Where are my parents!" I yell, not wanting to waste any time with these bozos. "You mean the pinkie and the blonde bimbo? They're waiting for their time to get sacrificed" she replies happily. My eyes widen and I see Luke go pale. "Sacrifice?! What do you mean sacrifice?!" Yells Storm. If these guys hurt one hair on my parents head, I will personally rip them apart. "I'm afraid thats personal information, right Mar-Mar?" She grabs the guys hand and his cold stare relaxes, dude has feelings for this girl big time. He nods his head.

"Okay, then how about a question that isn't personal to answer. Where is my girlfriend?!" Yell-asked Shi, stepping forward. The girl taps her chin, just how many girls have they kidnapped? "Are you talking about that dark chick that has sass?" Dark chick that had sass? That's a great description. "Her name is Dana! And yes that's her!" Shi clenched his hands into tight fists, he was getting angrier everytime this girl spoke. "Oh her! Yeah she's on her way out. Won't be much longer until she's gone" her voice is starting to go through me. Shi looked confused but still angry. "What do you mean 'she's on her way out'?" A smile spread across both of their lips, that can't mean good news.

The guy brought his thumb up to his neck and dragged it across his throat. Now way...shes gonna die? Shis face fell, and so did his world by the looks of it. "No....no....no....no...no!" He cried, tears spilling down his cheeks. "You're lying! YOU'RE LYING!" I feel so bad for him, but I know how it feels, they're going to sacrifice my parents soon if we don't get to them. "We're not lying, see for yourself" she held a communication lacrima out to Shi. There sitting in a dirty cell was his girlfriend. She looked completely drained, like the cord of her life would snap at any minute. He started screaming into the lacrima "Dana! Can you hear me?! Please say something! Move!" She stayed put. She didn't move, she didn't say anything, thus made him cry even harder.

"She can't hear you, I'm just showing you her current state, I'm actually impressed she managed to hold out for this long!" She laughed at Danas suffering. This bitch is going down! Nobody deserves to be treated like that! Shi was crying uncontrollably, a small puddle of tears at his feet. Then he stopped, we looked at him with concern but were taken aback by shards of ice soaring past our faces to the evil duo. Shis face said he was clearly pissed, scratch that, infuriated by the girls comments and the condition his girlfriend is in. "I'm gonna kill you!" In the middle of his right palm was the word 'Ice' in his fancy writing. I set my hands alight and got ready for a fight.

Sorry if anyone was waiting for this, I've just been a little busy with life and how it can literally destroy you in an instant. But anyway here you go. Also call me stupid if you want but I just noticed this...

DRAGON                                     IGNEEL
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And if I am completely stupid and everyone else noticed then...oh well

Fairy Tail Next Generation Book 2👆🔥Where stories live. Discover now