// twenty-three - cruel reasons //

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It was time for the coronation for Prom King and Queen of the school year , basically there are no proms in College prep schools , but this one had. The Gappa Kappas were the hosts for the night.

When it was time , Carly prepped her self , when she gets called on the speakers.

"And for Prom King , we have Lyrone Mannister" Gappa Kappa member Nina Antonio announced and every gave a round of an applause.

As Lyrone was crowned as Prom King of the school year.

"And for Prom Queen , we have our student body president... Carly Jones!" Nina said as everyone gave a round of applause.

Then Zara and Karie starts distributing the diary "Life and Lies of Sebastian Karl Valentino" as everyone read , everything. And that everything was the truth.

Janey received her own copy of the diary as everyone looked at Carly in a bad way.

"What's going on?" Carly asked everyone as everyone looked at her like if she did something bad.

Everyone was like WTF and stared at Carly for a split second.

Then the video started playing , the video from the VCD.

"Is that Karl?"

"That's the guy who killed his self"

"Oh my gosh. It's Sebastian Valentino!"

The people murmured and they were in shock as Karl started talking.

  Welcome to the last minutes or hours of my life.

As Zara and Karie gave the published journal to the teachers and especially Mr. Pida and the principals.

  Have you ever heard of the rumors about me? Simply why? Because they're so popular but do you guys know what simply lies the least popular? The truth.

I knew everything before I died from sadness.

Here's a video displaying that your CARLY JONES , the president and who started this BET. Thanks to Sarah for telling me everything. Carly Jones is a corrupt president , she steals money from the school to buy drugs. And here's a video that she uses drugs.

As the video of Carly grabbing drugs on her bra was shown.

And Janey was raped by dead'man Gabriel.

Nadel was shocked too , she never knew what Karl was talking about and everyone exchanged looks to Nadel.

And also Janey was also raped by Mico Cooley. I knew all along.

As everyone looked at Mico.

Dummies and plastics everywhere , and now for the top 2 (Gab , Alex , Gwyneth and Nadel) i'm a gay rapist? Fuck you all. You always talk behind my back.

As everyone looked at Alex , Nadel and Gwyneth suspiciously.

One more , back with Carly. You're such a slut. She asked to me to make out with her on the janitor's closet and here's a video.

  In the video , Carly was seen grabbing Karl's hands to the janitor's closet.

And yes , you also placed the drugs and snucked it on my bag. And thats all. I would just like to say , that the punchline "Who's Laughing Now" worked in this kind of situation.

And for Janey , I loved you. But you never deserved me. You never deserved a shitty and such weak person.

And right after this , you know what I'm doing.

Sending with hate , Karl.

As Mr. Pida grabbed Carly's hands and grabbed her bra as he felt something.

And Mr. Pida grabbed the thing he felt , and it was in fact , a sachet of cocaine.

Everyone was shocked , indeed.

"I swear. I never knew how it got there" Carly said.

"You're kicked out" Mr. Pida told Carly.

As everyone looked at the people who were accused , and Janey cried so hard because of what Karl said , but Karl was wrong. Janey deserved Karl because Janey accepts who Karl really is.

"Where's my crown? I won Prom Queen?" Carly asked Mr. Pida.

"Screw your crown!" Mr. Pida said as he walked out.

And Janey walked also walked out of the prom venue , as everyone also walked out.

"Wait , don't leave" Janey shouted.

As everyone ignored what Carly said.


  "Where shall we go , Madame?" The taxi driver asked.

"Somewhere far from here" Janey replied as the taxi driver pulled his engine and left.

And from that day , forward. Carly and the others had a bad reputation.

But the truth is , Janey deserved Karl. Karl just thought it in a wrong way.




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